Chapter 3 ~ The Boathouse

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By the time they got there, it was now nighttime. Filex parked behind Steve's car in the driveway. Everyone got out and went up to the front door, Dustin rang the doorbell. There was no answer, so he did again rapidly. He grew more impatient when he started banging on the door.

"EDDIE! IT'S DUSTIN!" He shouted, "We just wanna talk, okay?! No cops, I swear. We just wanna help!"

Dustin continued shouting and banging on the door. Darla had her flashlight in hand as she peaked through the window beside the door. Seeing nothing but furniture.

At this point, Dustin was screaming, "REEFER RICK!?!?!"

Steve shushed him, "Don't scream!" He said but Dustin didn't listen.

"Hey, guys!" Max said getting everyone's attention, they all looked at what she was looking at. A boathouse, the light above the door was on. They all walked over to the boathouse, and Robin opened the door.

The inside was messy, with trash and objectives scattered around, it was like an unorganized storage unit. Darla followed Dustin as they looked around. Steve picked up one of the oars that was hanging on the wall, and started poking at the blue tarp that was laying inside the old boat.

"What the hell are you doing?" Filex said, as Steve continued.

"He might be in here?" Steve says.

"So take the tarp off!"

"If you're so brave, you take the tarp off." Steve said, looking at Filex. Then continued to poke it. Max and Darla found some candy wrapper, that seemed to be just opened.

"Maybe he got spooked and ran?" Darla signed, her hands shaking.

Filex laughed, "Don't worry! Steve will get him with his oar!" Filex said, him and Dustin laughed.

Steve rolled his eyes pulling away from the tarp and looked around at Filex and Dustin, "I know you think you're being funny, Marchetti, but considering everyone in this room has nearly died a hundred times, personally, I don't find it funny in the slight---"

Just then Eddie jumped out from the tarp and out the boat shoving Steve against the wall, holding a sharp broken bottle up to his throat. Everyone began to panic, "WAIT!"

Darla gasped, they, somewhat, found Eddie! He looked angry but mostly scared...

Dustin began to panic, "WHOA, EDDIE! STOP!" Eddie looked at Dustin, gripping on the bottle, "It's me! It's Dustin. This is Steve! He's not gonna hurt you, right, Steve?"

Eddie looked at Steve and Steve began to shake a little as he nodded quickly, "Yeah." Steve whispered as he dropped the oar, Eddie shoved him again, bringing the bottle closer to his neck. Steve groans by the force.

"What are you doing here?" Eddie asks, his voice was a little shakey. Darla covers her mouth anxiously. Angus brings her a little closer, now in 'Dad mode'.

"We're looking for you!" Dustin said, trying to stay calm.

"We're here to help." Robin said.

Eddie looks at Dustin. Dustin gulps, "Eddie, these are my friends. You know Robin, from band! This is my friend Max, the one who never wants to play D&D. A--And Darla, from our science class--"

"Darla." Eddie said and froze as he looked behind him, seeing Darla, who was shaking, a blonde guy that he has never seen before, had his arm around Darla.

"Yes, yes! Darla! And you know Filex! And that's Filex's boyfriend, Angus!" Dustin said quickly, "Eddie... We're on your side! I swear on my mother! Right guys?"

The Mute and the Freak ((Eddie Munson))Where stories live. Discover now