1 - Mistreatment

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Your mother had already left the house leaving you alone with your Older Brother as you'd look towards him with worry in your eyes as your eyes had been strained from looking at the univerisity level textbooks for already about 2 hours as you'd close the textbook.

".....Since Mother isn't here..." You muttered to your quietly before sneaking past your Older Brother to go outside. "It wouldn't hurt at least..."

But Riddle had caught you before you could sneak out as he'd harshly grab your hand as he'd snap at you. "Where are you going Y/N ROSEHEARTS?!" 

You'd gulp in fear as you'd look towards your Older Brother who sounded excatly like your mother in that moment as you'd back away in fear. "B-Brother! I just needed some fresh air away from the house-"

But Riddle didn't buy it as he'd kick you to the ground as he'd stand up glaring towards you. "Mother has already told you to not go out Y/N Rosehearts..! Do I make myself clear? Further Rulebreaking will leave me no choice but to report you to mother. You got that..?!"

You'd hold yourself in pain as you'd run away to your room shutting the door close as tears feel down your eyes you were crying once again because your Older Sibling raised his voice to you as you contiuned to crying.

You were excatly 7 years old then and had no idea you were going to be abused while you lived in the Rosehearts household under your strict mother and Strict Older Brother "I hate it here...I wanna have friends...I wanna do what I want...But instead I get treated like this.."

You had contiuned to cry for about 3 hours before you heard the door open to the household...The sound you dreaded to hear that day....Your mother had returned home and she was not going to be happy that you broke yet another rule....


"Riddle Rosehearts! Y/N Rosehearts!!!" You heard your mother call your name as you'd get out of your bedroom as you'd walk on over to your Mother.

"Yes Mother...?" You asked as you'd look down quietly.

"Did both of you complete your mathematics for today? I hope you did well with Math tomorrow will be English for both of you i hope your prepared."

Riddle groaned as he'd look towards his mother. "Acuallty Mother...Y/N here broke another rule today by trying to go outside...That's the 10th time this week Mother."

Your mother had glared at you and shouted at you. "WELL YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT! YOU SHOULD BE PROUD TO HAVE THE ROSEHEARTS NAME! YOU EITHER LIVE LIKE US OR YOUR OUT!" Your mother had contiuned shouting at you for a good long while.

You nodded as you mumbled out. "Y-Yes Mother..."

The Tyrant's Sibling [A Riddle Rosehearts sibling story]Where stories live. Discover now