Rosehearts Christmas (Part 2)

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You were crying as you'd stand up gripping her magic pen in her hand as she'd groan. "If Mother thinks she can lock away this Princess...She has something else coming towards her!" You gritted your teeth in anger as you'd push back your beautiful Red hair.

Riddle sighed. "Mother...Y/N is not a child anymore! She litertally overblotted infront of me again! For the first time in 7 years! Why do you keep treating her poorly! She's not 8 anymore!" Riddle had looked at his mother waiting for an answer.

You'd stand up as you'd cast Magic on yourself as your clothes changed as you'd begin singing in your room. 

Now the hour has come at last
The soft and fading light
Has crossed the west horizon
And has bidden us goodnight
And what a lovely night it is
To walk a moonlit field
To see the softer shades
That are by starlight now revealed

So why is it that now
When all is quiet and at rest
When candles glow and all the world
Is at its very best
The ponies of Equestria
Should lock themselves away
To shun the moon and wait instead
For Sister's sunny day?

In umbra Luna est (the moon is in shadow)

Am I so wrong to wish that they
Would see things like I do?
And am I so wrong to think
That they might love me too?
Why shouldn't they adore me?
Is it not within my right?
I'll not be overshadowed!
Mine is not the lesser light!
I've waited long enough now
For them all to come around
And though the Sun may plead and threaten
The Moon will stand her ground

And all will know the wonder
Of my dark and jeweled sky
When all the world is wrapped
In an eternal lullaby
So say goodnight at this
The final setting of the sun
Tomorrow dawns in darkness
The nighttime has begun!

And all will know the wonder Of my dark and jeweled sky When all the world is wrapped In an eternal lullaby So say goodnight at this The final setting of the sun Tomorrow dawns in darkness The nighttime has begun!

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You'd soon open your eyes as you'd sigh. "I'm sorry....Brother...I may seem like a monster to you...But...Mother caused this to me..."

Your Mother had snapped at Riddle. "Y/N IS A BAD INFULENCE RIDDLE! HOW DARE SHE CORRUPT YOUR MIND WITH SILLY THINGS! YOU NEED TO PUNISH HER!" Mrs Rosehearts had snapped at Riddle as your mother walked away.

Riddle looked over at his mother. "B-But Mother! How do you know that!"

You had overheard everything as tears fell down eyes as she'd be sobbing in her new form as black tears fell down her eyes. "....I-Is Mother truely telling Brother...I'm the devil..." You'd be sobbing as you heard footsteps come to your door.

Riddle had putted his hand on the door. "...Sister....I tried to speaking to mother..." Riddle had sighed as he'd sigh. "But mother wants me to do what I always did to you...I don't want you to overblot again..."

You sighed as you heard Riddle unlocking the door as you'd look at him in your new form. "Brother...Leave this to me...Please..." You'd smile at him before walking out as you'd glance towards your Mother. "....So Mother...You really think I'm the devil?!" You'd glare towards her.

Your mother's eyes widdenned as she'd see you and Riddle watching everything from behind you.

"You think you can just control me and my brother well guess what!" You'd snap your fingers summoning Rose Arrows with your magic 

"You think you can just control me and my brother well guess what!" You'd snap your fingers summoning Rose Arrows with your magic 

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Riddle muttered to himself. "Y/N....You know this is risky...But you know how we are...We're always acting like kids...." He'd smile towards you knowing how you are atleast.

You'd grin. "And besides Mother~You can't control me...I have learned Magic and you can't change a thing! Besides me and Brother finally have a healthy relationship again...!" You'd grit your teeth in anger towards your mother.

Riddle sighed. "Y/N...Calm down..Let's go to Trey's to go eat some Strawberry Tarts see you later Mother!" He'd sigh. "Come on Y/N.."

You'd nod as you quickly reversed your spell you used as you'd run to Riddle and leave enjoying the rest of your Christmas with Riddle

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