8 - Overblot Battle

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You'd had summoned up Rose Bushes around you by using your floral magic as you'd glare. "Those who dare defy me will become excatly LIKE MY BROTHER~! AHA~!" You'd contiune laughing as you'd have a smirk upon your face.

 "Those who dare defy me will become excatly LIKE MY BROTHER~! AHA~!" You'd contiune laughing as you'd have a smirk upon your face

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Riddle was struggling to get out of the thorns that Y/N his sister imprisoned him in as he'd growl. "Y/N ROSEHEARTS STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!" He'd shout towards you.

You'd glare as you'd used your magic to Tighten the thorns you imprisoned him in as you'd contiune laughing. "So you all dare defy me?! FINE THEN!" You'd shout out loud towards them.

"BURNING FLAMES!" You'd send flames towards the heartslaybul students as you'd contiune laughing as your voice contiuned to sound Demonic. "You'll all pay!"

Ace sighed as he'd look towards their imprisoned Housewarden. "Deuce~! We need to do something!" 

Deuce nodded as he'd think of something to do. "I GOT IT!" Deuce had summoned a cauldron to hit Y/N

"HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO ME! ROSES BURN THESE 2 TO ASHES!" You'd call out in anger as you'd contiune shouting out attacks.

Trey sighed. "Ace! Deuce! don't be so rash to quickly attack! That is....Riddle's Sister." Trey sighed as he'd look at them.

Ace and Deuce gasped in shocked. "WAIT-YOU MEAN THAT Y/N IS-Y/N ROSEHEARTS?!" Insert shocked idoitic duo.

"JUST SAY ALREADY "YES QUEEN Y/N!" And you'll be spared...Or do you want to keep fighting me when you know I'm stronger~" You'd laugh at them as you'd blast more attacks towards them quickly.

Riddle sighed. "She's stronger then I thought...Please be careful guys..." Riddle sighed to himself as he'd watch the battle between the students of his dorm and his overblotted Sister.

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