-Chapter 1- Pt 1

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A/N: Your Outfit above)

[Y/N] and Katie knew each other since birth because of there parents being friends also the fact that they live next to each other means that the two girls always was up to something that involved space, time pasted and they grew up only to face the realities of the real world and the cruel truth to it all, the Kerberos mission failed and as a result of that the crew also went missing.

So, together, they both entered the Galaxy Garrison inorder to uncover the truth of what happen on that mission.

Because Katie was so persistent in trying, and failing might I add, on getting into the Garrison she had to cut her hair and sign up with a fake name which [Y/N] teased her about considering it was the nickname her bother Matt gave her.

With all being said though [Y/N] made friends quite easily compared to her antisocial friend, which was more focused on research and information on the Kerberos mission than anything else, slowly they did drift alittle but not by much and just as they where about to drift too far apart they always managed to sow there bond back together again.


Sneaking out at night was something [Y/N], Lance and Hunk did often together for alittle fun, however this time it wasn't going to be as fun considering how she watch them fail in the simulator that morning because Lance couldn't fly it right, [Y/N] felt sorry for them as there team aren't the brightest team and has trouble communicating especially when Hunk gets flight sick.

"Lance, for the last time, why are we sneaking around the barracks at night for?"

Lance)"Team bonding?"

Hunk)"Was that a question or a answer because I couldn't tell? Could you tell? I now I couldn't tell"

"Hahaha me neither. So, oh fearless leader? where are you taking us?"

Lance)"The roof, I saw Pidge go in that direction so we're going to follow him"

"You guys go on ahead, I'll grab my jack first it's cold out tonight"

Lance)"Fine, just don't take too long k?"


Giving Lance a playful salute before turning around and sneaking off back to her and Katie's shared room to grab her jacket she then made her way up to the roof only to be met with Katie's homemade tec and the sound of blaring sirens, picking up the binoculars then skimmed the distance she saw her friends whizzing off on the back of Keith's hoverbike which made her sigh knowing that they've gotten themselves into trouble again.

So gathering up all of Katie's stuff she sneaked back to her room without getting caught, the next morning she set out for Keith's little hunt in the desert, already knowing they were there because he took her there before when he was in the Garrison before he got kicked out.

Once she reached it she walked over and entered the hunt not bothering to knock and gave her friends a smile before getting tackled with a hug by Lance and the others, looking over to Shiro she nod her head in respect which he returned before they all went back to there previous convocation.

"Oh! That's what you meant by energy signals huh? You mentioned it the last time I visited but never really understood what you were getting at"

Keith)"Yh, I'm surprised you didn't get it considering your really smart and all"

"Aw~ thanks darlin' "

Giving him a playful wink and grin he only shook his head with a little laugh at her actions which was normal considering who she hangs out with, infact she's picked up alittle of something from each of her friends, like for instance; the amazing cooking lessons from hunk she was getting and now she's really good at cooking now, Katie and her always tinker around with things for different inventions and thanks to Keith she was amazing at hand-to-hand combat.

A few minutes later the group of teens and adult were out in the middle of nowhere trying to find this energy signal that Keith found which turned out to be a much more than it seemed, soon they came across a cave with lion like carving all over the walls, it was magical in some mysterious way.

"Lance don't touch anything"

Lance)"Why me? Why not Keith?"

"Because your the most prone to making things go from okay to shit in seconds, so don't touch anything"

[Y/N] told the Hispanic teen in a sarcastic tone of voice as she looked at some of the carvings in the cave near Keith was, then a minute later all the lion carvings started to glow blue just before the ground gave out sending everyone down a water slide of sorts which spat them out into a clearing.

"I thought I told you not to touch anything!"

She glanced over to Lance with an irritated glare as Keith gave her a hand up before looking around there new surroundings only to see at the far end stood a robotic blue lion with a holographic blue force field around it, they all walked towards it and [Y/N] walked up to the barrier then placed her hand on it which slightly made ripples like it was water but the unknown energy was cold to the touch some how.

Keith spoke his thought on how they were going to de-activate the force field only to get Lance to reply with his own remark as he tried knocking on the barrier only for it to disappear and the robotic blue lion to come to life with a bright flash of yellow in the windows, just then a vision was shown between the group of how Voltron was not one but 5 lions, before it moved on it's own to it's feet then bent down opening it's mouth to let the group inside.

Of course Lance was the first to run into the mystery robotic blue cat which the rest soon following behind not long after but more cautious considering they don't now where this tec came from or if it was dangerous, that obviously didn't stop Lance from touching to control panel infront of him which resulted in the mechanic cat stumble to its feet before rocketing out of the cave which made everyone stumbling to grab ahold of something to hold on too but [Y/N] was send crashing it to one of the side panels of the cat head near Shiro which caught her before she was throw anywhere else.

"Can't you be more careful Lance!? I almost got throw across this thing!"

"Sorry Hermosa, its on auto-piolet or something"

"This isn't the time to flirt with me you idiot! Focus on were your bloody flying!"

Before long they were in space only to battle an alien ship then lead it away from earth then went through some kind of wormhole which took them to a planet almost like the lion was taking them to its home planet, it was a bumpy ride in through the planets atmosphere but eventually they made it through with alittle bickering along the way between Keith and lance only to get Shiro to take charge and told them to knock it off.

"Look! Is that a castle?"

[Y/N] pointed out the up and coming castle in the distance which the lion was flying towards then landed outside letting everyone out before it stood up and let out a roar that opened the doors to the castle, walking inside the castle lit up just before a robotic like voice spoke telling them to hold still as it scanned them then a corridor lit up a path for them which they followed to a room only for two pillars to emerge from the floor and reveal woman with white hair.

She asked a bunch of questions as she held Lance by the ear on his knees then went over to a control panel activating it once her hands touched the surface showing a holographic screen only for her to see that she had been asleep for 10,000 years, in the background the second pillar opened up to reveal a ginger haired man which lunged at Lance once he saw him only for the two to start telling each other how they would defeat the other but was interrupted by Allura tell everyone what happened to her solar system.

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