Chapter 1 - pt 4

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I was walking through a meadow of flowers I've never seen before but beautiful in their own way, looking at my hands it feels so surreal like I was actually in this meadow, but I knew I was asleep and this all was a dream, a rather detailed one at that.

?)"[Y/N], how you've grown."

Turning on my heels eye's searching for where that voice came from, but I couldn't see anyone, a big gust of wind drifted across the meadow making everything dance along with the wind.

?)"You are destined for greatness, my darling girl"

That voice came again, it was airy and filled with kindness, I could tell whoever it was is a good person. Looking around once more in the distance I could see 3 shadowy figures cloaked by a big vibrant tree, my curiosity got the better of me and I started walking towards them but no matter how much I try I can't get close to them.

when I felt a pressure on my shoulder, I looked over to see one of the shadow figures there but before I could even say or do anything my eyes snapped open.


My eyes snapped open only to see I wasn't in my room anymore but stood in front of a giant window that should the galaxy outside then flicking my eyes over to who's hand was on my shoulder I saw it was Lance with a worried look in his eyes, my cheeks under my eyes felt funny but then I remember that before bed I took my make-up off so my markings was on show, my hands shot to cover my cheeks as I crouched down on the floor as my mind completely spiraled about what he thought or if he saw them.

Lance)"[Y/N]? It's okay, I won't tell anyone or ask about your markings if you don't want me too."

"Really? But why would you do that?"

Lance)"Because were friends and friends keep each other's secrets."

Taking a seat next to me Lance looked out the window with a small smile on his face before glancing over to me as I too sat down on the floor slightly confused on why he was so fine about this, I mean, he just found out one of my biggest secrets and he was so fine with it but why? Shaking my head, I just was thankful for having a friend that was so chill but Lance was only like this when we weren't around anyone else, scooting alittle bit closer I rest my head on his shoulder as I let out an exhausted sigh.

It's been a couple of days since we left Arus only to come across a fake distress signal which ended up with the blue lion being stolen but thankfully we managed to get it back, after that we went and saved a planet along with fighting a robeast.

It's been a very busy last few days and as the paladins are the universe's defenders they're not given much time to rest and I'm just stuck back on the castle with Allura & Coran doing nothing, it makes me feel helpless and the only thing I can do to get my mind off it is train on the training deck with my sword and shield, Allura has noticed like I've been doing this and tried to convince me that I too have an important role to play but I just don't see it; just can't.

The other thing which has also been on my mind is that I've been having these surreal dreams and when I wake up from them, I'm no longer in my room but somewhere else in the castle, I was sleepwalking, and I've never done it before now. The galaxy outside the window was breathtaking but I couldn't completely focus on that when my cheeks felt fuzzy where my markings was, almost like they were glowing, and I was right because from the corner of my eye I saw the soft glow reflect off of Lance's face as he looked out the window.

Before I could say anything though I heard footsteps coming down the hall then enter the room making me tense up but Lance looked behind us and when he started talking to them I realized that it was Shiro, softly touching my cheeks my mind was consumed with thoughts about what the team would think if they found out about my markings and what they'll say, I was snapped out of my head when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Shiro)"You okay [Y/N]? You were spacing out for a moment there."

"Yh, just tired, I guess. I've had weird dreams recently and when I wake up, I've sleepwalked myself in another part of the castle."

Lance)"Really? Why didn't you tell any of us?"

I gave Lance a "you know why" look then pointed subtly to my face to which he got the gist of why because it was related to my markings and hes the only other person which knows, looking out the window into the galaxy outside as I explained my "dreams" that I've been having but leaving out the parts where someone is talking to me, after explaining to them I stood up telling them that I was going to head back to my room and try to get some more sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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