-Chapter 1- Pt 2

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[Y/N]'s Pov-

After Allura explained what happened to her planet and the Alteans. She and Coran hugged alittle comforting each other before she heard something so she followed the sound to find some Altean mice which was hiding, but when a loud blaring alarm went off a hologram appeared to show that an enemy Galra ship was entering the planets atmosphere, once again Lance and Keith started bickering but luckily Shiro broke it up quickly. We moved to a control room of some kind with windows that was huge, floor to almost ceiling, when out of nowhere a bunch of little holographic blue lights appeared in the room.

Looking around the room I saw that there was 5 lions all different colors with there coordinates floating in the air around the room but as Katie stated the blue and black lion had the same coordinates which was here in the castle but looking at the other 3 lions I noticed that the red lion didn't have any coordinates just yet unlike the yellow and green lions which did, Allura then explained which lion was going to who and what quality's they embodies then all the holographic lions formed Voltron which then disappeared.

Allura opened up two wormholes so Lance, Hunk, Katie and Shiro could each go and retrieve there respective lions while me and Keith was stuck back in the castle with Allura and Coran which was awkward to say the least as we don't know these aliens, so I walked over to one of the seats which had the lions colors on them which was blue and got comfy as I knew it was going to take awhile for others to come back.

Keith)"How you holding up?"

"Is that even a question? In the last few hours alone we managed to find a alien blue mechanic cat, fly into space where we battled a alien ship, go through a wormhole that took us to another planet then met some other race of aliens. Its been one hell of a day so far"

I teased alittle before listing off in summary of what exactually happened in the last few hours as I leaned my head back so I could see his face as he was leaning on the back of the seat I was sitting in with a small smile on his face as he listened to me, I think I'm the only acceptation to actually see his real emotions as he's always cagey around others considering hes not much of a people person since his dad died when he was younger.

Keith)"Well if you put it like that then I can see why your tiered already, why don't you have a nap until the others get back?"

I closed my eyes for a few seconds as I took a deep breath before I brought my hand up to my mouth as I yawned causing a slight chuckle to escape from Keith, he could clearly see that I was tiered so he took off his jacket and gave it to me which I smile tiredly at him as a thank you before getting comfy, I folded my arms to use as a pillow then used Keith's jacket as a blanket and it didn't take long before I drifted off too sleep.


I was woken up by voices arguing so I sat up alittle rubbing the sleep out of my eyes only to feel Keith's jacket slip off my back so I quickly turn to grab it only to not only manage to grab it but also fall off the chair onto the floor which caught everyone's attention, letting out a swear word or two under my breath as I slowly got up and within a matter of seconds Katie was by my side making sure I was okay which I assured her I was.

 We walked over to the others and I gave Keith his jacket back with a greatful smile just before Allura came in with some kind of space suit on then she went into a speech about Voltron being the universes only and last hope. Afterwards she took us to a room where the paladin armor was, the others got changed into their respective paladin armor then was given a bayard but Shiro's was lost with the last black lion paladin.

Allura)"I'm sorry [Y/N] but I'm afraid that I don't have anything for you, wait a tick! I might have the perfect thing for you!"

"Oh no princess it's really not necessary, really"

Before I could say anything to try and recline her offer she had already dragged me out of the room into a side room then started sifting through the racks that was in there until she found what she was looking for, pulling out an Altean style dress that was white and navy blue with grey details, beading and chains around the wrists and shoulders.

Before I could say anything to try and recline her offer she had already dragged me out of the room into a side room then started sifting through the racks that was in there until she found what she was looking for, pulling out an Altean style dre...

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A/N: Dress above)

Allura)"This was worn by a close friend of my parents, she was there strongest and wisest ally that always stuck by them no matter the situation. I can see her in you [Y/N], so it's only natural that you wear this"

"Um... Thank you princess, it would be an honor to wear this"

"Splendid! I'll leave you to change"

Once she left and I was finally alone I sat down on the small plush bench which was in the middle of the room as I let an exhausted sigh escape, looking at my reflection in the mirror under the layers and layers of foundation and concealer was a soft mint green glow on my cheeks under my eyes in the same shape and spot that Allura and Coran have on there faces.

I've always had it and my parents have always told me to cover it up which where the make up came into play, my mom always told me that I was special and someday will do something that will change the world for the better but now I'm starting to think that she was talking about this, almost like she knew it would happen.

Shaking my head lightly I quickly changed into the dress but kept my leggings on underneath it so if needed to I could fight without a problem, once done I grabbed my old clothes then walked out of the room and back to the others which all just stood staring at me slightly stunned for some reason.


Lance)"Nothing, it's just that your really beautiful in that dress"

"Hahaha really? Couldn't resist the chance to flirt with a girl could you?"

I teased playfully with a smirk before turning to Allura that was stood there staring at me almost like she's seen a ghost or something so I asked what was wrong but she just brushed it off as nothing, I knew it was nothing but just left it be as we followed her back to the control room of the castle.

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