Chapter 1 - Pt 3

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A/N: Your casual outfit above while your in space)

The plan of getting the red lion was fairly simple, Lance and Hunk will act as decoys like they were going to serenader their lions to the Galra while Keith, Shiro and Pidge use the green lion to seek onto the Galra ship inorder to get the red lion, this left me, Coran and Allura in the castle anxiously waiting and watching them all to get the red lion. I was so nervous that I couldn't stop pacing the floor of the control room as I listened over the intercoms of everything that was going on, I had no idea how I'm going to do this every day for God knows how long if I'm this stressed just listening to it all go down, it was slightly terrifying.

I sighed in relief though once I heard Keith over the intercoms say that he managed to get his lion and they all came back to the castle so they could unlock the black lion that was hidden in the castle for safe keeping, however just as they unlocked the black lion a Galra ship entered the planet's atmosphere and fast. All 5 lions finally reunited at last they had to figure out how to form Voltron and defeat the ship while under constant fire, the castles particle-barrier disappeared after a final blast from the Galra ship leaving us completely defenseless, a big grin slipped onto my face as I watched them form Voltron and fight the Galran ship.

"They did it! Yes! Hahaha!"

A Few Days Later...

An alarm blared over the castle's loudspeaker which woke everyone up, Allura popped her head into the training deck beforehand and told me that she was going to test the alarms so not to be frightened on the sudden loud noise once the alarms went off, I smirked alittle when I heard the others scramble to get to the control and the commentary that Coran was saying. I took a short break from training with the training levels for the gladiator, while taking a drink from my water bottle, I noticed a door across the room near the corner.

Letting my curiosity get the better of me I placed my bottle down on the bench then walked over to the door outline looking for a doorhandle or something but once I got near enough the door opened to show a small armory, looking around as the light inside flickered to life, I walked in admiring all the ancient Altean armor and weapons. The details on the hilts and metal weapons were amazing, breath taking actually, however a sword lent against the wall int he back corner covered in cobwebs was an amazingly detailed sword which was almost beckoning her to wield it.

Like it was meant to be.

Like it was meant to be

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A/N: Sword and shield bracelet above)

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A/N: Sword and shield bracelet above)

I reached for it only for something to latch onto my wrist making me flinch back on instinct only to see a metal bracelet clinging to my wrist and I tried to get it off, but it wouldn't budge no matter what I tried so in the end I gave up with a frustrated huff, reaching for the sword this time I managed to grab it without anything else latching itself onto me. I awed at the amazing detail the hilt and the metal piece where the sword and handle met of the sword, you could tell whoever owned this before had taken extremely good care of it as there wasn't a single chip or dent with int the amazing detail of marksmanship that made it so mesmerizing to look at.

Allura)"I see you've found Esmeralda's shield and sword; she loved them like her own child"

I jumped alittle once I heard Allura's voice come from behind me making me spin around quickly clutching the swords hilt tightly in my [Dominant/Hand] hand careful not to drop it and damage it, Allura had a fond smile on her face as her eyes looked at the sword that she's not see in 10,000 years which I understand if it belonged to someone that her parents were very close too or maybe even she was, I held it out to her but she only shook her head as she told me that the sword was meant to be wielded and that it had chosen me as its next owner.

Looking down at the sword a small smile came to my face as I grab its sheath and put it back into its cover then tied it to my belt loop before following her out of the small room and to help her with whatever she needed help with, eventually we looped around to find the group of paladins in the living room slumped on the sofa which made her think they were able to form Voltron but she was very wrong and they didn't, she told them off then sent them on their way to the training deck to face the gladiator which I just had to see as I knew it would be amusing to watch them go against.

I sat up in the watch bay where I watched the paladins fail so miserably because of their lack of trust in one another and they didn't have time for that mistrust on the battlefield, it took practically all day for them to eventually be able to form Voltron which was a relief but either way a good sign that their bond as a team is starting to grow strong. I was so proud of the team they were shaping up to become in the future, defenders of the universe, was a heavy weight to be burdened with but I'm so greatful to be a part of history in the making.

Someday even I will be able to get the questions of what I really am answered and if I'm right about my hunch, then maybe Allura and Coran is my people, I could learn so much from them about my heritage and what I'm capable of or can become. 

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