Carly's Tale

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The Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade station and the students slowly began to gather their things and depart the train. On the platform, Albus, Rose, and Carly, stood together not knowing exactly what they were supposed to do. The night was chilly even though it was September, and Albus was glad he had worn his cloak over his robes. Albus was still feeling very nervous, but from behind them they heard a familiar booming voice, and Albus gave a sigh of relief.

"All first years, follow me," came the voice from the immense man. "First years, this way." His wild tangled gray hair and beard gave him a menacing look, but the twinkle in his eye and smile that was discernable, even through the mass of hair, was warm and friendly.

"Dear God, a giant," said Carly breathlessly, grabbing onto Albus' arm. The action was not lost on Rose.

"That's just Hagrid," said Albus with a smile. "He's a friend of ours, come on, I'll introduce you."

The three students walked toward Hagrid, who was ushering first years toward the dock. "Albus, Rose," boomed Hagrid. "It's wonderful to see you."

"It's wonderful to see you too, Hagrid," said Albus.

Rose gave Hagrid a hug, as best she could, as she could never have reached around his immense form.

"Who is your friend?" asked Hagrid with a kind smile.

"Carly. Carly Jones. It's nice to meet you," said Carly nervously before Albus or Rose could introduce her.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Jones," said Hagrid with a smile. "Can I expect all three of you for tea on Friday?"

"I'll be there," said Rose. "My Mum told me you invited us."

"Carly, come with us," said Albus, turning to her.

"Sure," Carly answered. "It sounds like fun." She was obviously still a little hesitant.

"Great, I'll see the three of you on Friday. We'll have a full house. James is coming with Jason and Danny too. Now, follow me to the boats," said Hagrid, as he turned and strode away.

"Boats?" said Carly questioningly, as Hagrid walked away.

"First years take boats across the lake," said Albus. He noticed Carly had a look of fear on her face. "Is something wrong?"

", it's nothing," said Carly softly.

Neither Albus nor Rose believed it was nothing. Rose looked at Albus who just shrugged in response and the three students headed towards the docks.

Once at the docks, Rose got in one of the boats, and Albus got in and was about to go sit beside her, when he realized Carly was still standing on the dock with her hand clutching her necklace. The other boats were still taking on students. Albus climbed back up onto the dock. "Carly, what's wrong?" asked Albus.

Carly looked away from him. Albus thought she was crying.

"Last year my Mum drowned in a boating accident. She was a Muggle and my Dad wasn't there," said Carly in a strained voice.

For a moment, Albus was too shocked to say anything. He finally found his voice. "That's awful. I'm so sorry, Carly," said Albus.

"I don't think I can get in the boat," said Carly, wiping a tear from her cheek with the back of her hand. Albus saw Carly shiver in the chilly air. She hadn't worn a cloak over her robes. Albus removed his cloak and put it around her shoulders.

"Wait here, I'll see what I can do," said Albus with a reassuring smile. "It will be all right."

Albus left her standing there and ran down the dock to where Hagrid was helping students into a boat. "Hagrid, I need to speak to you, it's urgent," said Albus.

"Sure, what's wrong, Al?" asked Hagrid concernedly.

Albus motioned Hagrid to lean down, and he whispered in Hagrid's ear what Carly had told him.

"Oh my," said Hagrid. "That's terrible." Hagrid thought a moment, and turned and looked down the dock where several Prefects were helping students into boats. "Miss Weasley," Hagrid called. "Come here a moment."

Albus looked down the dock and saw his cousin Victoire coming towards them. "Hello, Hagrid, hello Albus," smiled Victoire with just a touch of a French accent.

"Victoire, Al will fill you in, but there is a student who can't take the boats to the castle, can you take her to the castle by carriage and have her wait for us outside the Great Hall?" asked Hagrid.

"Of course I can," replied Victoire with a smile. "No problem."

"Can I go with Carly?" asked Albus. "She's a little upset and she doesn't really know anyone but Rose and me."

"That's fine," said Hagrid. He paused. "It will mean you'll miss your boat ride."

"That's all right," said Albus with a shrug.

Albus quickly explained the situation to Victoire. They headed down the dock to where Carly was waiting. She had her arms wrapped around herself, and was standing with her back to the water, as if she couldn't even look at it. She had stopped crying, but it was obvious that she was still very upset.

"Carly," began Albus, "this is my cousin Victoire. She is a Prefect. She is going to take us up to the castle in a carriage. Is that all right?"

"Thanks, Al," said Carly with a profound sigh of relief. She started to remove the cloak, but Albus stopped her.

"Keep it until we get to the castle," Albus said. "It's cold, and I think you need it more than I do right now."

Carly smiled at him, gratefully.

The Gryffindor sixth year Prefect led the two first years toward the carriages. Carly looked at the ground the whole time. Albus felt so bad for her, he wanted to help. He took her hand and held it as they walked, hoping it might make her feel better.

When they arrived at the carriage, Carly looked up and gasped. "What's that?" asked Carly.

"Can you see the Thestral?" asked Victoire. "I'm told they are like a winged horse."

" mean you can't see them?" asked Carly, aghast. "Why can I see them?"

"No, I can't see them," said Victoire confusedly. "Thestrals are magical creatures. They can only be seen by people who have seen death."

"I can't see them either," said Albus. "'s none of my business...but were you with your mother when the accident happened?"

Carly nodded slowly then spoke. The pain in her voice was clear. "We were both on the boat when it capsized. I managed to hang on to the side of the boat. I was pulled into another boat a few minutes later, as was my mother, but she had been underwater too long. They tried to save her but she died on the deck right next to me."

The story made Albus's chest tighten, and his stomach tie itself in knots. Without thinking about what he was doing, Albus put his arms around Carly and hugged her. She put her arms around his neck and hugged him back tightly. "I'm so sorry," whispered Albus.

After a moment, they broke apart, and Carly smiled. "Thanks, Al," said Carly. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then climbed into the carriage.

Albus could not have been more completely shocked if he had been struck with a Bludger in the head.

Victoire watched the two first years with a mixture of empathy for what Carly had gone through and amusement at the look of shock on Albus' face. "Come on, up you go," said Victoire, breaking Albus out of his stupor. He climbed into the carriage and took a seat next to Carly. Victoire joined them, and she and Carly chatted on the way up to the castle. Albus was still too stunned to speak.

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