Explanations, Part I

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Harry walked up to the gargoyle that guarded the Headmistress's Office. It immediately stepped aside as he approached. They no longer used a password. Anyone, including all teachers and Prefects, who was allowed access, were automatically admitted. If anyone approached the gargoyle that was not authorized, whoever was in the office was alerted, and then they allowed the gargoyle to move. This made it much easier for students to see the Headmaster or Headmistress.

Harry had carefully avoided coming here when he did his seventh year at Hogwarts. The last time he was in this office he was speaking with Professor McGonagall the day after Voldemort was finally defeated. Even nineteen years later, he half expected to find Professor Dumbledore at his desk.

As a professor, he knew he would spend a lot of time in this office for meetings. Perhaps even more since apparently Hermione was now the new Headmistress, or would be in a month. Harry knew he would just have to get used to it.

Harry entered the office and found it almost exactly as Professor Dumbledore had left it. He saw the portraits asleep in their frames. The Sword of Gryffindor hung on the wall behind the desk beneath the portrait of Professor Dumbledore. He noticed an empty portrait he didn't recognize. That had to be Snape's portrait, he thought. Harry assumed he must be off in another portrait for the night. It was just as well that Professor Dumbledore was asleep. Harry just couldn't talk to his portrait.

Harry wasn't sure what to make of the news of Hermione's new position or, for that matter, Ron's. Harry had recommended Ron succeed him as Head Auror. Harry wondered how long it would be until he got his questions answered.

Harry pulled out the Marauder's Map and his wand. He tapped the map with his wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," said Harry.

The map revealed itself to Harry as it always had. During his seventh year, with Hermione's help, Harry had altered the map to include the secret passage that led to the Hog's Head. That left only the Room of Requirement unaccounted for on the map. They had tried, but they just couldn't get it to appear.

Harry looked for familiar names. He saw Albus in the Gryffindor common room standing with Rose, James, Danny, and Jason, as well as a name he didn't recognize. He wondered who Carly Jones was. Probably someone Rose had met, Harry assumed. She had no problem making friends, unlike his youngest son. It made Harry feel good that Albus and Rose were so close. He knew from personal experience how important having friends is.

The group began to disperse and Harry saw Rose go to the couch in the Gryffindor Common Room. Harry smiled. He had no idea how many late nights he and Ginny had stayed up late snogging on that very couch.

After a few moments, Danny went over to the couch as well. Harry had noticed when they were both in Godric's Hollow during the summer that they both seemed to act with each other just like Ginny had when Harry had been at the Burrow during the summer before his second year.

Harry laughed. He could always use this to torture Hermione if she didn't have a good reason for not telling them she was going to be the new Headmistress.

Harry located Ron and Hermione both in different places on the far side of the castle. Ron was likely doing a security sweep, and Hermione was probably meeting some of the teachers she didn't know, as she was in the staff room with several of the faculty. Then he saw Ginny, who was in a hallway not far away and was standing with Bill and Fleur's daughter Victoire. He watched as Ginny left Victoire and headed for the office. Harry decided he would have a little fun. Harry hesitated a moment, and then sat in the chair that once belonged to Albus Dumbledore, and as soon as Ginny was at the door he called out, "Come in".

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