A Flight and a Tea Party

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It was just after midnight. Albus was sitting cross-legged on his bed with the curtains drawn. He was practicing the Lumos spell. He had tried to go to sleep, but it was no use. He kept thinking of the date he had inadvertently made for the following afternoon.

Albus hated to admit it, but he really wished he were more like James. James never had any problem talking to girls. He was always confident and sure of himself. Albus was sure James wouldn't be all worried about taking a girl for a broom ride.

When Albus was around Carly, he felt good, he felt happy. But they had never been on a date. This was different, and Albus was afraid he'd mess it up and she wouldn't like him anymore.

Suddenly the curtain on his bed was pulled back, and James hopped onto the bed and sat cross-legged across from Albus.

"All right, what's up?" asked James. "You've been practicing Lumos for two hours. Why?"

"Sorry, James," said Albus with a sigh. "I didn't mean to keep you awake."

"You weren't," said James with a laugh. "I just finished my History of Magic essay for Binns. So, what's the problem? It's not like you not to sleep."

"It's nothing," said Albus, sincerely hoping that James would drop the subject.

"Try again," said James in that tone that said he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Albus sighed. "Well, I seem to have...accidentally...asked Carly on a date today," said Albus, a slight note of panic in his voice. "I'm sort of freaking out about it."

If James' eyebrows had risen any higher, they would have become part of his hair. "Well...um...I really have no idea what to say," responded James. He smiled. "Congratulations."

Albus shook his head. "I don't know anything about going on dates," said Albus in exasperation. "She's going to think I'm a complete fool."

James laughed. "Is that all that's bothering you?" asked James.

"It's not funny, James," said Albus, annoyed by his brother's laughing.

"Sorry, Al, but you act like you're the only one with this problem," said James.

"Oh, come on," said Albus. "What would you know about being nervous? You've cornered the market on charming. I'm surprised you aren't married yet."

James didn't laugh this time. He seemed to be considering what to say. "You should consider yourself lucky," said James softly, as his face fell.

"How exactly do you figure that?" asked Albus annoyed by his brother's lack of understanding.

"Look, it's obvious you fancy Carly, and she fancies you," said James with a sigh. "It's a lot harder...when the girl you fancy doesn't want anything to do with you."

Albus was perplexed. "I thought you went on a bunch of dates last year," said Albus.

"Yeah...well, I did," said James. "Just a few walks around the lake, that's all. I had a good time, but well...if you repeat what I'm about to tell you, I'll hex you. Do you promise to keep this between us?"

"Sure," said Albus curiously.

James was quiet for a moment. "The girl I really wanted to go out with doesn't want anything to do with me," sighed James.

Albus was shocked. "Who is it?" asked Albus.

"Lucy Roux," said James softly.

"Lucy," said Albus trying to place her. He didn't know a lot of the older students yet. "Third year...long blond hair."

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