Rose's Problem

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As the students began to leave the Great Hall, Harry got up and headed straight for Hermione who was talking to Professor McGonagall. Before Harry could open his mouth, Hermione spoke.

"Harry, we need to talk," said Hermione. "Professor McGonagall has said she won't be in her office for at least a few hours. Why don't you have Ginny put Lily to bed, Ron is going to get Hugo and then we can all meet up in Minerva's office. I have a few things to take care of first."

Harry just stared at her a moment. "You do realize, 'we need to talk', is as much an understatement as 'we didn't really like Blast-Ended Skrewts'," said Harry with just a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Hermione smiled. "I'll see you in a bit," and she turned and headed away.

Harry let Ginny know what Hermione had suggested, and she left with Lily to put her to bed, while Harry headed for the Headmistress' Office.

Harry wasn't sure what was going on. In a matter of minutes, he had been announced as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Ginny had been announced as the new Flying Instructor and Quidditch Coach. That was expected, but it still felt strange to be coming back after all these years. Of course, his two best friends being announced as Auror on Station and Headmistress of the school was not expected. It was an awful lot to digest.

Harry wondered if they had done it for the same reason he and Ginny had, to make sure Albus was all right. He wasn't sure how he felt about Ron and Hermione giving up their careers if that was the reason. He had to admit, the idea of them all being together again at Hogwarts was really nice. No, it was more than that. It was like they had all come home.

In the Gryffindor common room, James, Jason, and Danny stood in a corner discussing the events of the evening as they waited for Albus and Rose to arrive.

Jason Wood was the son of the famous Quidditch player and former Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team Oliver Wood. Jason's father was now the coach of Puddlemere United, now that his playing days were over.

Danny Finnigan was the son of Seamus Finnigan, one of James' father's roommates from when he was at Hogwarts.

James had gone on many dates during the previous school year. Most of them consisted of walks around the lakes during which he would talk about how he was going to be Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team one day, while his date hung on his every word and smiled.

Jason had gone on a few dates too, but he was nowhere near the charmer James was. Danny got far too nervous around girls to ever ask one out on a date. Danny's problem was that he had already met a girl he liked during the summer. Talking to her was a different story.

"So, what do you make of this?" asked Jason, as he leaned his tall frame against the wall, and ran his fingers through is short, light brown hair.

"Beats me," said James with a shrug. "I don't know what to say or think. My parents, aunt and uncle just showed up as bloody teachers. I'm speechless."

Danny kept looking at the portrait hole.

James smirked. "Don't worry, Rose will be here soon," said James, as he and Jason laughed.

"Lay off," snapped Danny irritably. "I just wanted to make sure she was all right, she looked upset and didn't say hardly anything after her parents came into the Great Hall. Don't give me that look, James." Danny gave his friend a punch in the arm.

James laughed. "Seriously man, ask her to go for a walk by the lake some afternoon if you fancy her," said James. "She's my cousin, trust me, she won't bite, but she does have a bit of a temper. You did notice that Rose made any excuse she could to be in the same room as you this summer."

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