The Prophecy Revealed

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Ginny and Harry were walking down a deserted hallway, heading towards the Headmistress's office to meet with Sirius, Ron, and Hermione. Harry's bad feeling about the meeting continued. Though Hermione made it sound like it wasn't a big deal, Harry couldn't help but feel uneasy.

"What's wrong love?" asked Ginny, giving Harry's arm a squeeze. "You hardly ate any dinner."

Harry took a breath. He knew she this was going to upset Ginny. "Well, when Albus didn't show up for lunch, I was worried about him," said Harry. "I saw a girl come into the Great Hall with Rose and leave a few minutes later. I assumed that was Carly. I took a chance and walked down by the lake. They were sitting by a tree talking, and Albus was telling her about his episodes."

"Well, they must be becoming really close if he was comfortable telling her," said Ginny. "That's good, right?"

Harry smiled. "You of all people must believe in love at first sight," said Harry. "Seeing them together, I don't know, just seemed right." Harry sighed.

"Why do I feel like you haven't told me something?" asked Ginny softly.

Harry never could hide anything from her. He stopped walking and turned to Ginny. "Al said after the third time it happened, he started to get scared he would hurt someone," said Harry. "He said he was almost afraid to be around people, and that he thinks he might be dangerous and might be better off alone."

Ginny wore a look of shock mixed with heartache. "My poor baby," said Ginny with tears in her eyes. "How could I have not known?"

Harry pulled her into a tight hug. "I didn't know either. I talked to him," said Harry. "He was also upset that we had all given up our jobs because of him. I think he felt a lot better after we talked. I never realized how he felt either."

"Are you really sure he's all right?" asked Ginny. "Maybe I should go see him."

"No, as much as Al wouldn't react like James would, I don't think he wants his mum charging into the dorm to hug him," smiled Harry. "I think he's fine. Al's a lot stronger than he seems, I think."

"I hope so," sighed Ginny.

Now was as good a time as any to bring up what had been on his mind, Harry thought. "I think it might be time we tell them everything," he said. "They deserve to know what happened to us, and if the questions I got in class are any indication, it will only get harder not to tell them. As it is, I'm afraid they'll be upset that we never told them."

"You're probably right, we better talk to Ron and Hermione about it," said Ginny with a nod.

Harry let go of Ginny, and they continued their walk to Hermione's office.

When they arrived, the door was open, and they went straight in and saw Hermione, Ron, and Sirius already seated at a table. A small wooden box sat in front of Hermione. Harry closed the door behind them.

Harry noticed some of the portraits were speaking, but no noise could be heard. Hermione must have used a charm to keep them quiet and probably deaf to their conversations. Dumbledore was asleep in his portrait, as usual.

"Sorry we're late," said Harry.

Sirius thought Ginny looked upset. "Nothing wrong, is there?" asked Sirius as Harry and Ginny sat down.

"Al," said Harry. "He's okay though, we'll fill you in later."

"Was it another episode?" asked Ron. "I didn't hear anything."

"No, nothing like that," said Harry shaking his head. "It does relate to that though, it'll keep until later."

"Are you going to fill us in on the big secret, Hermione?" asked Ginny.

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