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Hermione sat at her desk in her office awaiting the arrival of a parent she was going to have a very unpleasant conversation with. She knew things like this came with the job, but it would be just her luck for it to be the son of Draco Malfoy who was in trouble.

She had contacted Draco about the incident with Scorpius immediately. This was more serious than the normal school yard confrontations. Yesterday's incident, when he grabbed Carly and threw her to the ground had the feeling of something far worse. Dueling happened all the time, but physically attacking someone like that was something else.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in," said Hermione.

Ron opened the door and closed it behind him. "Hello, love," Ron said with a smile. He walked around to her side of the desk, sat on the edge of it, leaned down and kissed her.

She put her arms around his neck, and kissed him back. After all these years, Ron still made her knees weak when he kissed her.

"Are you all right?" asked Ron with concern in his voice when they broke apart.

"No. I'm really not looking forward to seeing Malfoy again," said Hermione. "I still remember the first time he called me a 'filthy little Mudblood'."

"Come here," said Ron softly. They both stood and put their arms around each other. "I remember it too. Those slugs were nasty."

Hermione laughed. Ron always knew the right thing to say to make her feel better.

"Thanks, Ron, you're still coming to my rescue," said Hermione with a smile.

"Well, I have to be qualified for something," Ron said with a laugh. "Whenever you need rescuing, I'll be right there."

They broke apart, and Hermione sat back down at the desk. Ron went and sat at a chair beside the fireplace. As Auror on Station, he was required to sit in on parent meetings involving any violent incident at the school.

He also had no intention of letting her deal with Draco Malfoy on her own. It wasn't that he didn't think she could handle herself, he knew very well she could, and wouldn't make the mistake of suggesting otherwise. It was just that Ron knew how awful Hermione had felt every time she was called a Mudblood, as if she were somehow less of a witch for not having magical parents. She was quite literally the smartest and most gifted witch he had ever known, and that had nothing to do with her being married to him.

"Ron, please remember to be nice," said Hermione sternly.

"Of course I'll be nice," said Ron sarcastically. "Just remember, you have only to say the word, and I'll Transfigure him into a ferret. Hugo's always wanted a pet ferret."

"Watch it Ronald," said Hermione, trying to be stern, but she couldn't help but laugh. "He should be here any minute."

As if on cue, the fire burst into emerald flames, and Hermione and Ron stood politely to meet the new arrival. Out of the flames stepped Draco Malfoy. "Hello, Headmistress," said Draco.

Hermione was immediately struck by how different he seemed than when they were in school all those years ago. The arrogant superior air about him was gone. If she had to describe him with one word, it would have been humble. This was not the same Draco Malfoy who had called her a Mudblood more times than she could count.

Hermione decided she would extend an olive branch. "I think we can dispense with the formality, Draco," said Hermione.

"Thank you, Hermione," said Draco. He turned and took a step towards Ron, offering his hand to Ron. "Hello, Ron."

Ron hesitated for a second. Nothing would ever make him trust Draco Malfoy, but he shook his hand politely. "Draco."

"Please have a seat," Hermione offered.

Draco sat in the chair opposite Hermione. "Well Draco, as I told you by owl, Scorpius was involved in an incident yesterday," said Hermione, as she and Ron both sat down.

"He didn't hurt anyone did he?" asked Draco with a sigh.

Hermione was slightly taken aback. She expected him to ask who was responsible for Scorpius' injury. Hermione had informed Draco of Scorpius' broken arm, but hadn't mentioned the specifics or if anyone else had been hurt.

"Yes, a first year girl, Carly Jones, received a bruise when he grabbed her arm and pushed her to the floor, but she's fine," said Hermione.

"Please extend my apologies to her, I will owl her parents an apology personally," said Draco.

Hermione was pretty sure she heard Ron's jaw drop and land on the floor, but she didn't turn to look. "That won't be necessary, I will tell her, but her parents...are both deceased."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Draco. He sighed. "So what exactly happened?"

"Well, Scorpius made some comments about a friend of Carly's, then tried to get her to go on a date with him," said Hermione. "When she refused, he grabbed her. She screamed, and her friend heard her scream and told Scorpius to get away from her. Scorpius pushed her down, and started to draw his wand, but Carly's friend was faster, he used a Disarming spell, but it was powerful, and Scorpius received the broken arm from the fall. Scorpius then later claimed that he had been attacked." Hermione was very curious as to what Draco's reaction would be.

Draco seemed to contemplate her words for a moment. Then a very slight smile crossed his face. "Her friend's name wasn't Potter by any chance?" asked Draco.

Hermione steeled herself for a bad reaction. "Yes," said Hermione slowly. "Albus Potter. He received a detention for his role in the incident."

"Like father like son, always playing the hero," said Draco with a smile.

Hermione was about to say something before Ron could, but Draco beat them both to it.

"I guess I owe my life to that," said Draco softly. "Please extend my apologies to Albus, Harry, and Ginny. Scorpius was completely out of line. Whatever discipline you feel is warranted I will support."

Hermione opened her mouth, but no words came out. Stunned was the only word to describe how she felt at that moment. Draco read it on her face and decided to explain.

"Scorpius has been a bully and a trouble maker since he was old enough to walk," said Draco shaking his head. "I think I know what may have set him off yesterday. Pansy...she left She couldn't...she couldn't deal with him anymore. She played the coward, waited for him to be at school and sent him an owl to say she was leaving."

"I'm sorry," said Hermione.

Draco shook his head. "Thank you. Our marriage ended a long time ago when I stopped being the person she fell in love with," said Draco with a sigh. "Pansy wasn't cut out to be a mother, and Scorpius' behavior was a convenient excuse. If that's all, I'll be going," said Draco, and he stood up to leave.

"Wait, Draco," said Hermione. "Please sit down for a moment."

Draco nodded and sat back down. "I received your application for the Potions Master position," said Hermione. "You are easily the most qualified applicant. If you want it, the position is yours, but there is one stipulation."

"And that is?" asked Draco.

"I need someone to be Head of Slytherin House, I would also need you to fill that position as well," said Hermione. "Please take some time to think about it, but I need to know soon, and I would need you to start on the fifteenth."

"I accept," said Draco, smiling slightly. "I'll be here on the fifteenth." Draco stood, as did Hermione and Ron. Draco moved toward the fireplace. Draco stopped and turned back to them, and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I would like to apologize, to both of you. There are very few things about my youth I don't regret. I'm not the person I was then. I'm sorry." With that Draco turned, threw a handful of Floo powder into the fire, said "Malfoy Manor," and stepped into the flames.

Ron walked to the front of Hermione's desk, and turned to her with a look of utter shock on his face. "What the hell just happened?" asked Ron.

"I'll be damned if I know," said Hermione with a shrug.

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