Explanations, Part II

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In the Headmistress' Office, a large table had been set up for breakfast. Around it, James, Albus, Lily, Rose, Hugo, and Teddy all sat, most chatting excitedly. Teddy told them all about his new job as Assistant Gamekeeper, and the students all talked about their schedules which they had picked up from the Great Hall before coming to breakfast. Twice Hugo tried to slip Teddy a Canary Cream, but he wouldn't fall for it.

Only Albus was quiet. He was sure he was not going to like the answer to why his parents, aunt, and uncle were at Hogwarts. He was sure it was because of him.

The younger students were in awe of the Headmistress' Office. James had made three trips here last year with Jason and Danny that had been none too pleasant. Teddy had been to this office quite a few times when he was in school, and his memories of the room were just as unpleasant.

Off in the corner, Ginny, Ron and Hermione were talking out of earshot of the children.

"Who is this mystery guest, Ron?" asked Hermione suspiciously. "Tell us."

"No," said Ron flatly. "If I tell you, you'll want an explanation, and since I don't have an explanation, I'm going to let Harry tell you."

"Why so secretive?" asked Ginny in exasperation. "You're really being annoying."

"You'll see," said Ron with a teasing glint in his eye.

At that moment, the flames erupted in emerald, and Harry stepped out of the fire. He looked right at Hermione, Ron, and Ginny and smiled. "I brought an old friend for breakfast," he informed them, unable to hide a smile.

As Harry stepped away from the fire, another figure emerged from the grate. "Ginny, Ron, Hermione, it's so good to see you," said Sirius with a big smile. He opened his arms to them.

"Sirius!" Hermione and Ginny gasped at the same time, shock etched on both their faces. They both looked to Harry for an explanation.

"It's really him," said Harry with a smile.

Ginny and Hermione both walked over to Sirius, their mouths hanging open. "Sirius," said Ginny tentatively.

Sirius looked from Hermione to Ginny and back. "Look at you two," said Sirius with a smile. "I can't believe it...you're all grown up."

Ginny was blinking back tears as she hugged Sirius tightly, and he kissed the top of her head. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was wondering what exactly they would say to the children, but at that moment, she couldn't focus on that.

When it was Hermione's turn for a hug, Sirius whispered in her ear. "So, that guy finally managed to ask you out, I guess," said Sirius.

Hermione laughed, in spite of the tears burning her eyes. "Well...that's a long story," said Hermione.

"I'm sure there are a lot of those to be told," laughed Sirius. "I look forward to hearing them all."

In the happiness of seeing Sirius again, the box that had kept Hermione awake all night for the past two nights had slipped from her mind completely.

Ron also gave Sirius a welcome hug, and Harry quietly filled the three of them in as best he could. The children looked on, unable to hear the hushed whispers of their parents. James leaned over towards Teddy and whispered. "Who do you think that is?"

Teddy had heard more than enough stories of Prongs, Padfoot, and Moony, to recognize the man who had arrived with Harry. "I think its Sirius Black," whispered Teddy. He left out his surprise that Sirius was alive.

"Sirius Black!" exclaimed James in surprise. "I thought Dad said he left on a trip and never returned, years ago."

"Yeah," agreed Rose. "I thought so too."

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