Reflections on the Future

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Albus opened his eyes. Not another time waking up in the Hospital Wing he thought. Then he realized. He shouldn't have been waking up at all.

Albus could tell from the light coming through the window that it was morning. He ached all over, like a herd of stampeding hippogriffs had trampled him. Then he realized he was not alone.

Carly was lying on another bed next to him, holding his hand. He tried to shake the thought of what he had done to her from his mind, but he could not. He could still see her writhing in pain and hear her screaming.

He knew the actions were not his own, and that for her to be here now, she must know that too, but it still didn't make it any easier.

Albus stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. He never knew he could feel like this. He never knew he could love anyone like this. He had been willing to die for all of them, but for Carly most of all.

Carly began to stir, and lifted her head. She looked at him and smiled, and he returned it warmly. Carly didn't say anything. She just pulled herself up sat on the edge of his bed and leaned down and kissed him.

When she broke the kiss, she hugged him, so tight he almost couldn't breathe, but he didn't care.

Carly pulled back from him and looked into his eyes. Albus looked back into hers. "We've got to stop meeting like this," said Carly. "I don't think it's healthy to spend so much time in the Hospital Wing."

Albus laughed. "I'm sorry to put you through this again, Carly," he said sadly.

"It's not your fault. You saved me. Don't blame yourself, I won't let you," said Carly, fiercely.

"All blaming myself," Albus agreed. He noticed something red on the phoenix charm that hung from her necklace. "Is that blood on your necklace?"

"Yes," said Carly. "I got some of your blood on the phoenix. I put a charm on it so it would never come off, so I can have you close to me all the time. I know that sounds silly."

"No, it's not silly at all," Albus protested as he stared into Carly's eyes.

"I better go tell everyone you are awake. They will all want to see you," said Carly.

"Wait," said Albus. He grinned. "Before you go, kiss me again. I need to make sure I'm not dreaming."

Carly smiled, leaned down, and pressed her lips to his.

"Definitely not dreaming," said Albus with a smile.

Carly left to spread the news that Albus was awake. Madam Jennings gave Albus a potion and performed a spell that alleviated much of the soreness he felt.

Albus thought about what had happened. He could have been the cause of the deaths of everyone he loved. How could he ever live with that?

Albus had many visitors over the next few minutes: Sirius, Teddy, Rose, Danny, Neville, Jason, and Hugo all came in to see him for a short while, then left to let him get some rest.

As they left, Rose stayed a minute.

"Don't you dare scare me like that again, Al," said Rose. "You're my best friend, I don't want to lose you."

"You won't," said Albus with a reassuring smile.

Rose hugged him tightly for a moment, and then left.

Albus sat alone for a few minutes before he got three more guests. Ginny, Hermione, and Lily came in to see him.

"Are you all right, Al?" asked a tearful Lily.

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