"Lily, can you keep a secret?"

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After school🙃

"So Alpha," Lily started.

"Yeah, Lily?" I replied.

"Do you wanna have a sleepover?" She finished.

"Yeah! Just let me tell my parents!"

Guardian units I call my parents

Monday 3:00 PM

Hey Mom and Dad, I'm gonna sleep at my friend's house, 

so I'm not gonna be home for dinner.

Mom: OK sweetie!

Dad: One less mouth to feed tonight! WHOOO!!

A/N: End texting

I put my phone away and smiled. Lily walked in front of me to lead the way to her house. "When we get there, you can take off your shoes at the door, and set your bag in my room," Lily explained. I hadn't realized how close Lily's house was to school because we shortly arrived. I took off my tennis shoes at the door and looked for the bathroom. Lily pointed to the right, probably thinking that I needed to pee or something. When I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, I looked in my bag's magic pocket for my secret bag.

 When I walked into the bathroom and closed the door, I looked in my bag's magic pocket for my secret bag

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I pulled out the bag and opened it, looking for my pajamas. I found them and put them on.

I stuffed my day outfit into the secret bag and put the bag into the magic pocket

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I stuffed my day outfit into the secret bag and put the bag into the magic pocket. I opened the bathroom door and walked out. Lily was visibly shocked because I didn't do what she thought I would do.

"Do you wanna watch a couple of movies?" Lily asked.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. Lily led me to a TV room and first put on Encanto, then Brave, next Wall-E, and lastly Titanic. Afterward, she led me to her room to talk and stuff.

"Can I tell you something?" Lily asked after we got to her room. (Pic on top)

"Yeah," I replied.

"Your friend Daisy is my sister!" Lily said in a rush. "That's why I drew that drawing! I was missing her and you said you had a friend named Daisy, so I showed you my drawing!"

I was quiet for a moment thinking, did I want to tell her?

Then, quietly I whispered, "Lily, can you keep a secret?"


I got my Negative Energy book and some ink from my bag. I opened the book, burst the ink, and spread it on the pages. Lily looked shocked. "Spread Shadow Ink! Bad End Makeover!" I cried out. "Shadow Bands! Shadow Boots! I'm shadowriffic!" Lily watched in stunned silence as I transformed. "The best of the best! No higher greatness! I'm Bad End Power!" I looked at Lily waiting for her to do something. All she did was pull a small device from her bedside table and start her Glitter Force transformation.

"Lily, are you... do you hate me?"

Lily POV

Oh my gosh. Alpha is evil.... maybe. I got my Glitter Pact out from my bedside table, opened it, and inserted the Glitter Charm while saying, "Insert Glitter Charm! Glitter Force Makeover!" Unlike other times I changed into Glitter Peace, my heart was not into it. My Glitter bands and boots were put on my body, and my hair got big, but I could only think about Alpha's secret that she trusted me with.

"Lily, are you... do you hate me?" Alpha asked me. I could not bring myself to say my catchphrase. The transformation was done. 

"No, Alpha. I don't hate you at all. Um... wanna draw?"


Lily is the best friend!

Not much to say...

Au Revoir!

God bless y'all!


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