You're mine

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Lily POV

Honestly, I don't blame Alpha for anything. I mean, she was lost in thought and like, I don't think she realized what she was doing until she snapped out of her trance, and Emily kinda provoked it a little bit. After school, I was walking around with Emily, Kelsey, April, and Chloe, when the sky turned dark shades of the rainbow in ombre form. A certain girl in the sky wearing a black and purple outfit had donned a wolf mask. Even from a distance, I could tell it was in masquerade style. Piercing green eyes stared at me directly and I was shocked and flattered and creeped out. A ghost of another girl appeared next to Alpha, nearly inside her! The apparition had black and white hair, wore a red face mask, and had creepy red eyes. Alpha held a black sphere in her hand, debating what to do with it. After a moment, she tossed it, making it turn into a notebook. In a flash, before any of us could react, everyone was on the ground except for me, who was sitting in the Buffoon's hand. I looked around, only to see that I was all alone. The Buffoon did a quick smash on my friends and I got sucked into the Buffoon. I searched for Alpha, only to see a husk of a shell of a girl crying. I reached out to touch her to have my hand pass through the girl.

"When they hurt me, I knew my only friend was you. It was hard. I was broken," Alpha said behind me.  I turned to see Alpha and the ghost. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Who was that?  "She is me," Alpha continued, reading my mind. "She enhanced my power a great deal." Alpha reached to touch me, but I full blown hugged her. She gripped tighter and tighter, mumbling that she never wanted me to leave. Slowly, the Buffoon was destroyed with us in it. Alpha kept me in her arms, allowing me to levitate with her. 

Alpha glared deeply at her betrayers and then disappeared, taking me with her. 

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