"Are you out of your mind?"

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Alpha POV

Once I had left Lily's house when the sleepover ended, I immediately went to the middle school. I ran to the school, thoughts swimming through my head. Once I had gotten to the middle school, I stopped my running to breath in the air. A crisp, cold breeze had greeted the sun, making the morning seem even more gloomy. In the peace and quiet, I quickly found a secluded area to change out of my pajamas and into a navy blue hoodie and black skirt(out of the four casual outfits, it's the top left). With some time to myself, I scrolled through my Instagram reels until I heard a voice say, "Look out below!!" A soccer ball soared through the sky, only to plummet onto my head. On reflex, I put my hands up to catch the ball and slammed it to the ground. A green-haired girl jumped onto the grounds and grinned sheepishly at me. 

"Sorry. I didn't mean to almost hit you. Hey... I've seen you before.... Oh I remember now! You were the new girl who said that you had a friend named like Daisy or something, and then Lily came up to you for some reason." The girl, who I recognized as Emily's friend April, picked up the soccer ball and tossed it into a tree, mumbling something about saving it for later. Without warning, the sky became a dark blue color, and nearby people crumpled to the ground, a dark aura surrounding them. April turned to four girls running to her, so I ducked away, not wanting anyone to see that I wasn't affected by the power of Negative Energy. A wolf boy appeared in the sky and insulted Emily and her friends. With irrationally pumped up spirit, Emily and her friends turned into Glitter Lucky/Cure Happy, Glitter/Cure Sunny, Glitter/Cure Peace, Glitter Spring/Cure March, and Glitter Breeze/Cure Beauty. During the transformations, I teleported to Ulric and smacked him. 

"Are you out of your mind?" I roared. "Why in the world would you attack them while I am here? Do you want to bring Emperor Nogo to ruins?" Doing the EmOtIoNaL dAmAgE to the wolf, I teleported back to a tree to get a good view of the show. In short, Ulric got pounded and I had to start school. During class, I was messaging my Bad End friends to get information, while also somehow having top grades. Once lunch arrived, I went to the shadow realm to eat with my friends. 

"You know," Kelly started, "You should consider challenging the Glitter Force."

Charlie nodded. "Yeah! They would be no match for you!" Not wanting to discuss the Glitter Force, I smiled and went back to school. I sat in quiet for the rest of the time set for lunch, thoughts swimming in my head. Would they be no match for me? My friend Fae sent me a text, but I ignored the notification. During my thoughts, I pulled out my drawing notebook and mindlessly started drawing a morbid scene of the Glitter Force, also writing a poem with it. 

Rascal laughed

Lucky cried

Peace knocked out

Sunny died 

I made to the end of the first stanza when I noticed what I had done. I slammed my notebook closed, but not quickly enough. The Glitter Force crew had gotten a glance at my sketch. "Ooh! What was that?" Emily asked with innocent curiosity.

"Oh, nothing," I gushed. "Don't worry about it!!"

"Don't be silly! Let me see," Emily exclaimed as she opened my sketchbook up to my drawing. She stared, speechless. As the other girls followed her gaze, their faces drifted from curiosity to fury. I snatched the notebook away and ran, crying. "Are you out of your mind?" Emily shouted after me.

"If I can't be happy," I sobbed, "No one can!"

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