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Lily POV

In the shadow realm, I noticed that the platform I was standing on was floating! Alpha casually strolled around, barely even caring that there was a chance of falling into abyss. I chased after Alpha, preparing to ask a million questions. Alpha led me to various buildings, before taking me to her place of residence. As we entered, Alpha decided to explain what happened after Emily had offended her. "After my... encounter with Emily, I stayed in my room for... hmmm... heck knows how long. I... died inside," Alpha led me to a room with an opened door before continuing. "But it was my death that helped me rebirth anew. I worked hard, even inventing some new contraptions." She led me inside. The room, which I could only assume as hers, was filled with various sheets of paper, scraps of metal, and weapons on top of forging materials. Alpha gestured to a vertical cylinder just my size. I gazed at the construct in awe. I let down my guard, giving Alpha the opportunity to push and seal me inside. 

"What? How...? Alpha! Let me out!" I yelled, banging on the glass door of the machine. She smirked and picked up one of the paper sheets. Without a word, Alpha taped the paper to the door, finally letting me see. As she exited the room, I was able to bring myself to look at what was in front of me. It was myself, killing my friends.

After a long while, the author is back for commentary!!! Whoo!

Another short chapter lol. Just did the Eula story quest in Genshin Impact! Why won't Xiao come home? Also, not to offend any Diluc mains, but I HATE DILUC. I DON'T WANT A STUPID DILUC CONSTELLATION! I LOST XIAO BECAUSE OF DILUC!! Ugh!

Ya know what? Just... win your 50/50s 

Diluc is stuppid. 


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