Death Trap

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Alpha POV 

In the shadow realm, I cried my heart out. Rascal tried to check on me, but I sent him away. Couldn't he see that I wanted to be alone? My journals lay scattered around the room, all filled with scenes of death and destruction. The routine was simple: Eat, cry, drink something, cry, bathroom, cry, and repeat. I didn't sleep for 5 days. Emile would often send news, Kelly would send the food, Daisy would force me to drink, May would escort me to the restroom, making sure I didn't double over, crying, and Charlie kept everyone out.

Each day, I got angrier and more powerful, drunk on rage. Finally, after a while of the same routine, I brought myself to finally do some work. Although it wasn't a major part, I would still help make Buffoon noses and share the whereabouts of the Glitter Force. Of course I had to go to school, but avoiding the Glitter Force was easy. All I had to do was quickly put my hoodie up and my head down, and they couldn't recognize me. One day though, during lunch, I was sketching Daisy meeting Lily, when I heard goodie-goodie Emily talk smack about me. "Haven't you heard? Alpha is an orphan! I guess her parents hated her too!"

A small pixie piped up. "I think that Alpha is the BIGGEST MEANIE!!" That's when I lost it. Quickly I scribbled a mean note and rude drawing onto a scratch piece of paper. Then, I folded it into a paper airplane and launched it straight at Emily's face. Swiftly, I hid as Emily read the note.

"Crass, crass. A big old bass! You: I'll surpass. Can't say I won't harass." Emily fumed, but Chloe was there to calm her down. I snickered, loving the Negative Energy that is had the opportunity to collect. When Emily left the cafeteria, I rolled my eyes. She's just gonna die anyway! Why not do it now? I don't get it, to be honest.

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