Chapter 1 | Long Lost Warrior

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---Two Days Later---

I wake up feeling totally weak, and just. . . utterly like shit as a whole, my body groans in pain, and I sit up through the pain, finding myself in my bed back home, I look over to my end table seeing a note with a sensu bean atop it. I reach over and read it as follows. "From Marron, please get well soon big brother, dad and mom want you to have this when you wake, from your little sister Marron" It was clearly written by her because it was written in chicken scratch, but I'm used to reading it now. I fold the note up and put it in my drawer beside the bed and take the sensu bean eating is. My body bulks and I feel my strength and energy return to me. No more am I left in utter pain, standing from the bed I grab laid out clothes a Gui like Uncle Goku and Dads, and put it on. the first fresh par of clothes I've worn in a while. Bends you know, Time chamber doesn't have a washing machine. I feel the strange need to train with someone, sensing out for ki, I feel that oddly Goku and Vegeta aren't on planet, likely using the time chamber now to catch up with me and find the form I achieved, not they can without a tail! I don't think at least. I think back on the last thing I could remember before passing out. 

The flash back of the scene with Beerus plays back and ends with a kiss on my cheek before she knocked me out. I sense out Gohan and Piccolo, seeing the two were separated and not training. I didn't really want to train with Piccolo today, but maybe someone stronger like mom. . . or the other saiyans like me. . . Wait! Didn't mom say she had a brother. . . another android like her. . . Yeah, I think his name was. . . Android 17? Yeah! But no one knows where he is. . . we can't sense his energy because he's an android. . . Maybe If I can find him, I can train with him, and introduce him to Marron and maybe, get him to visit time to time, maybe he doesn't even know his sister is alive and married with kids yet! Yeah! But how can I find an android without a way to sense them. . . Maybe Bulma can help me out with this! She's pretty smart!!!

I race out of my room, taking to the kitchen, and fixing myself a BLT sandwich to go. Finishing I eat, and head for the front door, where I'm stopped by Marron. "Wait!!! Leon where are you going!?" Marron asks, in a shy, worried little voice. I pause with the door part open and look back at small Marron. "To ant Bulma's I've got to ask her for help with something very important! Would you like to come and maybe play with Trunks?" I ask her, putting her feelings and wants into consideration, so I could keep an eye on her. "Yeah! I want to go to ant Bulma's!!!" She cheers, racing into my arms, I lift her up in one arm, and head to the kitchen fridge, I write a note for mom and Dad that I went with Marron to Bulma's for a bit and would be back soon. Then headed out the house and flew with Marron on my back towards Bulma's.

---45 Minutes Later---

"Even if I do have the blueprints for the two androids, they don't have any tracking devices in them to make a tracker in the first place. I'm sorry Leon, but I just can't help you with finding him" Bulma explains the bad news to me whilst trunks and Marron play in the back yard of the company building. "Darn it! I was banking on you having something up your sleeve. . . well. . . what now? I don't know any other way to track him down. . . I mean I could get the dragon balls but that's a big waist not to mention time consuming." I brainstorm aloud, placing a hand under my chin, and thinking really hard about this. "Sounds to me like you'll just have to search for 17 the old fashion way." Bulma tells me, proving a point. "Yeah, I guess you're right, there's no other way to go about this besides the dragon balls and god knows if the dragon can even point me to him to begin with." I exclaim, knowing this was the truth. I cross my arms with a sigh of disappointment. "Say Bulma, you think you could watch over Marron for a bit, and call my parents to get her after work? I'm going to go out looking for 17" I ask of her a big favor. 

Female Beerus X Saiyan Male | Contesting The Gods | DBSWhere stories live. Discover now