Chapter 6 | High Stakes?

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---Leon Pov---

"My apologies for interrupting my lady, but I do believe you should test Goku and Vegeta's power before you leave today... You certainly don't want to waste all of your energy on only Leon now, do you? You do remember we came here to test the strength of all the Saiyans and their progress my lady." Whis states, giving her a look casual interest. I continue to look back at Beerus over my shoulder and I give her a look of embarrassed bummer. Things had just started getting interesting! I'd unlocked Super Saiyan GOD! And She and I were flirting a bit, I think! Beerus gently blushes having become embarrassed about having the moment interrupted, and the mood broken. She clenches a fist and glares at Whis in a frustrated fashion. "I have not forgotten about them!" She assures him with an embarrassed tone of defiance. Whis gives her a subtle smile and notices the blush over her face... I get the feeling he knew something about what he'd interrupted.

"Well, I shall allow you to continue then, but do remember you have to fight Vegeta and Goku next My lady!" He reminds her, before speed vanishing away... Likely back atop the earth. Glaring back onto me over her shoulder she gives a casually focused look of enjoyment. "Now... Where were we?" She asks, and I'm blunt and forward with it. "If I'm not mistaken, you were starting to tempt me Kitty Cat. What was it you wanted again... Me to Blow your Back out was it?" I ask in a teasing flirtatious tone. She blushes hard and we turn slowly facing towards each other. She giggles in a seductive fashion and gives me a lustful look. She glares down at my crotch again and bites at her lower lip gently. "What do you say to a little friendly wager?" She asks, it seems to come out of nowhere, but I pay attention. Her eyes lay into mine and lock. "I'll fight at 1/4th of my true power, not a ounce more than that or I lose immediately, and you give me your full strength as you are now in that god form of yours. Whoever tires down, and taps out first from exhaustion loses..." She explains, I comment about it before she gets to the wager conditions. "Alright, my interest is peaking... Continue." I comment excited about this already despite not knowing the terms of what you win or lose.

"If I beat you... You have to come back to my planet and give me 24 hours in your pants~" She explains, and I notice she doesn't hide a hint of shame from her statement. I blush heavily and give a embarrassed grin. "And If I win?" I ask for the terms of which I get for winning. "Whatever you want." she answers in a blunt, tone, I get pretty brave with what I wanted and make it heard. "Anything Huh... Alright, If I win you'll be my girlfriend and! My sparring partner! How's that sound?" I explain to her, she widens her eyes in surprise not expecting such a request. "G-Girlfriend... S-So forward..." She mutters flustered by my wishes if I had success in the fight. She quickly overcomes that feeling of how flustered she'd became and forces a look of focus. "Deal!" She booms with excitement to get started! I ignite with my flaming Aura as I spike to full power. "Ready when you are... just say the word." I tell her taking up a fight stance and she takes one herself. 

She narrows her eyes growing a complete look of pure focus, unlike all the fighting she'd done earlier, she wasn't distracted

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She narrows her eyes growing a complete look of pure focus, unlike all the fighting she'd done earlier, she wasn't distracted... Completely focused. I clear my mind, and focus on doing one thing, Testing my new strength. In doing so I'd win this thing!!! "GO!" She shouts before lunging at me throwing a fist. I catch it and yank her fist away, whilst pulling her to me, then bash a fist up her face. She widens her eyes as the fist rattles her eyes from the force. I release her fist and throw my body forward bashing a knee into her gut once, then again for good measure. Before grabbing the only piece of clothing covering her breasts to hold her here. (Thing around her neck, no idea what it's called someone tell me!) I proceed to bash a fist beneath her chin making her head tilt back along with causing a shockwave to roar out the top of her head. Before she lowers her head, she bashes a fist blindly square into my fist, I stumble around releasing her clothing and get slammed by a destruction ball of Ki, that explodes and rockets me into the distance. Coming to a violent and sudden stop, I catch sight of her racing through the ash and smoke at me head on, arriving she engages with me, I counter and strike her too, we begin to trade blows, dodging and striking at each other whilst moving through space around the earth literally orbiting it. Her Aura was alive and strong, but so was mine, we seemed relatively on equal footing in overall power at the moment. I didn't doubt for a moment that I couldn't win this fight! Infact, I knew I would win this fight, because I wasn't planning on losing it!!!

Female Beerus X Saiyan Male | Contesting The Gods | DBSWhere stories live. Discover now