Chapter 7 | Feels Like I'm Alive

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BY THE WAY it's pronounced LE-ON Not LE-O-N

---2.5 Hours Later---

I tsk out in discomfort, as I begin to come back to, opening my eyes I find myself laying in a massive rocky canyon. I sit up rubbing the back of my head, I feel like I had a rough landing. In a joking nagging complaintive groan, I laugh a bit awkwardly looking around finding none of my family or friends around me. Immediately I break from the situation and recognize this MASSIVE!!! And I mean Gigantic... Amount of God ki that completely suppressed, and concurred my own normal ki entirely, leaving no normal ki behind... Likely my body had to throw away every ounce of its own ki to absorb her attack to protect the earth. I felt like my body was going to literally BURST like a balloon from the amount of swelling god ki... It reminds me of how ki swells before you unleash Super Saiyan for the first time before it just unleashes a flood gate of power. I raise my hands in front my face and focus a deal of the ki around my hands purposely allowing some to seep out to make its self-visible.

(When you see Ki around characters it's a sign of imperfections and ki is being lost) It starts off red and orange like a bright flame like Super Saiyan God's weird Aura... But suddenly... it flickers blue... a few times... it's a blue that I can't exactly describe... its aura was similar to Super Saiyan Gods but had a few light blue orbs that flowed with in it, and with a less intense flame texture. I tsk out in anger for the moment. Aware this strength isn't my own... but the byproduct of Beerus' ki fusing and bending with my own... This is not my own strength, and it's a level of God ki... I just know is impossible to achieve on my own as I am now. Closing my hands tights into a fist the aura burns blue around my hands and remains. I focus to force this god Ki out of me, as I didn't wish to run my body off a ki that wasn't my own... A strength that wasn't my own. It's weird that I feel pride in my own strength, and find dishonor and hatred towards obtaining strength any other way then through my own hard work and training. But I guess that's just what makes me saiyan... because I know Goku, and Vegeta would agree with me. Having thrown out every drop of the god ki with in me via forcing my own ki to push it out, I find that my own ki is... a little off... Like it somehow retained a portion of the god ki into itself. This annoyed me that I couldn't completely rid myself of the god ki... Not that I didn't want it... I just... don't like the way I obtained it. Standing up, I sense Vegeta getting sent flying in SSJ2, whilst Goku in SSJ3 continues the battle with Beerus. I wanted a Rematch... As much as I didn't like my new gifted strength, I had to not only test it against her again... But win our little bet! There's no way I'm going to throw away the chance to get a strong woman like her as my girlfriend! Unleashing this new power with in me I race into the distance towards the battle at hand.

---Beerus Pov---

Weaving whilst hold up my arm alongside Goku's as he threw another punch, I wrapped my arm around his own, and forced him to lean forwards greatly, slamming a knee up into his gut, then bashing a elbow atop his back, and ending it off with a spin kick, where I bashed my heel *Back of Foot* across the side of his head sending him flying back into Vegeta in the distance. Creating three purple destructive blasts, I fire them out towards Goku, and Vegeta, intent on testing to see if they could even handle a quarter of my full power as they are now. Looking up with a comical look of nervous surprise Goku and Vegeta scramble to get up onto their feet and defend themselves, which would only be in vein. A flash of red races across the battlefield, and leaps into the way of my blasts. I gasp out feeling god ki that was incredibly strong, Having slowed down to be seen, Leon begins canceling out the attacks one by one with his eyes closed, left, right, and above he cancels them out with equally strong energy blasts. With the last one canceled his red god aura stops seeping out and leaking from his body, becoming contained.

Female Beerus X Saiyan Male | Contesting The Gods | DBSWhere stories live. Discover now