Chapter 3 | Display Of Strength

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---Minutes Later---

Standing with my battle stance on display, my heart pounds in my chest as hard as it can, I'm still all flustered to had finally met my mother, I'm also on edge about showing her how strong I am, yet equally on edge about the wonder inside about just how strong she must be herself in comparison to me. Could she be stronger than I am now? It's possible. She slides her boots across the ground, raising her hands she takes up a ready stance, focused and serious. I glance behind me at my friends/Z Fighters, everyone has given us space. Returning my sight on my mother/Fasha I grow a subtle smile. My heartbeat calms down, I begin feeling pumped up to test her strength against my own, the challenge was exciting to think about. "I want you to fight like you're trying to kill me, if you don't. . . or you will die" She demands of me, prepared to begin, with that information noted, I scuff at the words. "If you say so" I state with over confidence and self-pride in my tone.

"Hmp!" grunting she vanishes and reappears as after images in a charging zig zag pattern, appearing closer and closer rapidly from the left, then a bit to the right, and left again on repeat

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"Hmp!" grunting she vanishes and reappears as after images in a charging zig zag pattern, appearing closer and closer rapidly from the left, then a bit to the right, and left again on repeat. I smile passively, following her movements with ease, for me, she wasn't vanishing at all, for someone like my dad, or Tien, maybe even that farmer from earlier, she was just to fast to keep eyes on. That said, when she closed in, and began raising a fist to strike my chest. I had it easy to see through the attack, and act, I prepared to catch the attack in hand and counter it with ease. As she went to deliver the blow, she stopped the punch inches from my hand which was destined to catch it, with my sights focused on the fist I didn't even notice her lifting a leg up till it had already kicked into my gut like a kick to a door to throw it off the hinges. I slid atop my feet leaving a trail across the ground to a stop yards away. "Alright. . . that was different" I think aloud impressed that she'd landed the first blow in such a manner as that. I take notice now that her attack did very little damage to me. Was she holding back? Or was this her all? If it's her all it will not last long, I can tell you that. 

Doing the Zig zag approach again. She looks to arrive and strike once more from head on. Just before she arrives to arms reach, I decide to show off my base forms full power and strength for a moment... just out of wanting to impress my mother/Fasha... and drawl out her full power by showing her I had a lot in the tank. . . that is if she was holding back to begin with. Vanishing down right for the naked eye, I leave no after image in my place due to the speed. without Reappearing I kick travel to beside her leap into an axel spin, spinning twice in the air to pick up speed, then spin kick into her chest I feel her armor buckle and nearly break in response, a shock wave races from her chest and out her back visually before she is sent thundering with a sonic boom crackling in the air from how fast she suddenly went from the attack. sliding, then tumbling, and rolling to a stop along the tree line. I give a short teasing chuckle, cracking my knuckles tauntingly. She pushes herself onto her hands and knees, slowly raising her head looking out towards me, seemingly baffled, that look of disbelief turns slowly into pride by the time she was on her feet again.

Female Beerus X Saiyan Male | Contesting The Gods | DBSWhere stories live. Discover now