Chapter 4 | In Seducing Strength

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This is not the final product, please reframe from voting until the full chapter is out! Thank you!!! Be aware this chapter is subject to total change and could be completely different in final production! Be aware I also whipped this preview up in literally 45 Minutes of thinking and writing time so... it's not that special, I plan to use it as a templet and build something bigger and better based off it!


Months Have passed since the unexpected arrival of Fasha, Leon's/Negi's Saiyan/real mother, on Earth! Since then, the ZFighters have allowed her time to settle in, and have filled her in on the many stories, and adventures them and her son have embarked on. Krillin and Android 18 openly accept Fasha into their home to stay, and fill Fasha in on all the memories she was unable to share stories of the memories and tales of raising her son over the years. Fasha soon found herself training alongside Piccolo and Gohan in hopes of catching up with the strength of her son and the Z-fighters! Of course, Goku, Vegeta, and Leon have been training extensively often times with one another, tapping into new heights in their overall strength! Yes, everything appears to be going swell for our heroes, Beerus, was recently armed with the information of the progress the saiyans had made with growing stronger, and wished to test their strength, well, at least she pretended to be interested in all three of the saiyans strength gains... but in reality, only one saiyan had caught her true interest... and it wasn't even his strength she was truly interested in. Visiting Earth on the third month since Fasha's arrival, she arrived unannounced, and scared the Z Fighters into a swift response to her arrival, many believing she'd came to finish what she'd started months ago... Too destroy the earth! Last to arrive on scene was Leon, Goku, and Vegeta, whilst the rest of the Z Fighters had arrived before them and been armed with the true nature of Beerus and Whis's arrival.

---Leon Pov---

With the sound of Goku's instant transmission, Vegeta and I along with Goku appear in front the Z Fighters, I release Goku's Shoulder and so does Vegeta. Immediately I lock eyes with Beerus and burst my power level to its limit and create an aggressive aura. "Back for round two, are you?" I ask with an overly excited, yet confident voice whilst walking towards a slowly landing Beerus, cracking my knuckles whilst I walked. "Negi!" My Biological mother Fasha shouts from alongside the Other Z Fighters. "As a matter of a fact I did, I'd like to see how much stronger you've become." Beerus tells me, confirming what I'd assumed. "Then consider your wish my command!" I boom speed vanishing and leaving a after image behind me a trail of dust follows after me, reappearing as I slow down, I am in front of her, I place a hand on her face and two fingers on my forehead using Goku's move to teleport us out of the area, taking the fight to a location far from towns, and cities, same goes from my friends. Appearing inside a underground cave, I form a ki blast inside my hand and it explodes against her face, sending her tumbling a bit, using her ability to fly she flips twice and stops midair inches off the ground, immediately she plants her feet atop the ground and charges at me head on. "Hell yeah, I finally get to test my strength and see how much stronger I've gotten against her!" I think to myself overly excited to be getting a second crack at her.

---Fasha Pov---

"So wait, Beerus didn't come to destroy the Earth after all?" Kakarot asks puzzled and scratching the side of his head. "That is correct, Lord/Lady Beerus came to test your strength." Whis explains to him and Vegeta. "Really? Woah! I hope she's not to tired after fighting with Leon! I'd love to test how much stronger I've gotten with her!" Kakarot cheers with pumped up excitement. "Well, If Leon is any stronger then he was last time, then Beerus might be in for some real trouble." Piccolo comments with his arms crossed. "Hold on a minute, you mean to tell me my son's fought a GOD OF DESTRUCTION before today? and actually lived?" I ask, trying to get a grasp of the situation.

Female Beerus X Saiyan Male | Contesting The Gods | DBSWhere stories live. Discover now