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"I'm so tired."

That is what the bard said after getting insulted for the 800th time.

He never expected anyone to suddenly start to hate him. Then again, he could see why people would dislike him so much.

Venti was pretty hooked in drinking. He also never liked doing the work himself, unless it was very important, like assisting the Traveler.

Venti was called many names. Shorty, twink, and strange were just a few. But one certain word was his trigger word:


"Disgrace" was a word he hated with his very being. In fact, the other archons all either called him that directly or said it in some other way.

"Hmm, that...bard. Ugh, I can't stand him. Anywhere you smell wine, you know that little disgrace has passed through. I can't believe he's an archon."

"Venti? He's quite the character. His drinking habits are quite frightening, if you ask me. It's...disgraceful. I do hope he does something about it."

"Ahh, that little green bean, huh? Ahaha, he's so fun to be with. However, he's pretty lazy most of the time and all I ever see him do is play the lyre and drink until he passes out. It's pretty scary and shameful if you think about it. Hmph. Maybe it's just me."

"Venti is a sweetheart. He truly cares for his people. At least, I think he does? Ugh, is that why he's so weak? Because he never properly rules over his region? It's not a problem for me though. But he should try ruling someday. It's quite disgraceful and disappointing."

"I've know Barbatos for hundreds of years. He...is very bubbly. But...how should I put this. He's kinda annoying. Like, if I were in public with him, I'd be embarrassed."

"Did everyone else say the same thing I'm thinking? A disgrace to the archons? Yeah, I figured. He's cool though. Heh, we're quite cool with each other so I'm not sure why everyone hates him."

Every time Venti hears that dreadful word, his head twitches slightly. Almost as if his mind is a mirror, slowly breaking and cracking, until it finally shatters entirely. Or a rope, everytime he hears that word, the rope's strings pluck loose. And when all is too much, the final string snaps.

Venti even wrote a small poem about it:

Beware the young bard
With glowing blue hair
For he will soon shatter peace
And bring gloom and despair

One day, Venti vows that the day he snaps will be a day to remember.

Not for the gods.

Not for Mondstadt.

Not even for the traveler.

But for the entire realm of Teyvat.

One day...Venti will have enough...

 "𝙈𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖" ● 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤!𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞 𝙓 𝙇𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ● 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now