𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙪𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙬

813 16 62

Solitary confinement isn't fun.

At least it's better than death. Hmph, how ironic. Punishing their God with death after the people he killed. I can't wait to see their faces when they find out I can't die.

By the way, I kind of miss Diluc. His grumpy attitude was pretty funny, I'll admit. I'm sorry for having to kill him; at the time, he just didn't sit right with me.

I miss Kusanali too. Maybe I can sneak into Celestia to see how she is. But I doubt she would be happy to see me. After all, it's my fault that she has to do 1,000 tasks to become an archon again.

I feel so guilty. So guilty, in fact, that it is impossible for me to eat or drink. If I do eat, then I'll think about all of the blood and gore...and I'll throw up.

I miss Lumine too. Our relationship hasn't even gotten off to a good start because of me leaving for most of the day. It's been around a month in "jail" and I think Master Jean is getting concerned about me and my behavior.

I overheard her talking to Kaeya about how I stopped eating. It's true. I did stop. I told her, it's impossible for me to eat anymore. Why won't she listen?!

Whatever. I'll just throw it somewhere and say that I've eaten. I'm starting to get dizzy due to malnutrition...I think I'll stop writing here. To whoever is reading this, I'm sorry for making you sad or uncomfortable.

Goodbye for now.

Venti closed up the journal he kept in his hat. He scanned the room, as it was the only thing he could do at this time. Trying to escape was out because there weren't any windows in the room. There was a small light on the ceiling but that was it. He was also unable to use his powers thanks to Jean installing anti-vision barriers that kept him from activating his powers (even though he was a god. Don't question it. Please.)

There was also a small purple glow on the wall opposite to Venti. Wait. What?

Since when was there a purple light? Venti had been so immersed in writing that he didn't even look up to notice. As minutes of staring at it went by, he noticed that the light was starting to get bigger. It occurred to him.

That wasn't a light.

It was a portal.

And it seemed like someone was trying to break out of it.

Venti tried opening the door but of course, Master Jean had to lock it. Unfortunately, she also confiscated the catalyst he had, so he was unable to do anything but hope that whatever was coming out didn't want to eat his face.

Venti screamed and banged on the door as loud as he could, but no one was in the building at the time.


Venti craned his neck around and his blood ran cold. It was Diluc. His eyes were sunken and black and his skin was pale. There was a noticeable bloodstain on his neck from where Venti stabbed him.

Diluc stepped closer and closer while Venti tried scooting back, but his back was already the farthest against the wall. He saw more familiar figures emerging from the portal.


Everyone he had killed.

Including Gianna.

 "𝙈𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖" ● 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤!𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞 𝙓 𝙇𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ● 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now