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"Lumine~ I'm back." Venti called out from the front door.

Lumine was sitting at the island table in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in front of her. She groggily turned her head and formed a sleepy smile.

"Hey. I can't and don't wanna sleep. Which is why I made myself my 6th cup of coffee. How is Gianna?"

Venti snorted. "Wet.*" He muttered under his breath. Lumine raised an eyebrow. "Oh! I said she's back home safe. That's all!"

*ofc wet as in drowned. Not in that sense. Gianna is a minor and not part of Genshin Impact. Pls do not attack me

"Oh. Ok, good!" Lumine smiled and yawned. Venti walked over and picked her up bridal style, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Dear, you need rest. I'll carry you to bed. You better sleep too or I'm not helping you with commissions in the morning. Or do I have to tickle you awake?"

Lumine shook her head and giggled. "I'll sleep, Venti. Don't worry about me." She put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek as he led her to her room.

"Hey...is it just me or do your ears look different? They seem pointy." Lumine poked Venti's ear.

"Ah! Yeah, they are pointy. Do you like them?" He moved his hair out of the way of his ears, revealing them to be pointy and small.

"Aww, they look adorable on you!" Lumine hugged Venti as he put her down on her bed. He felt his face and ears turn red and he smiled sheepishly.

"Ehe...thank you." He whispered.

He kissed Lumine once again and went to his room, finally not having thoughts of murder on his mind.

In Lumine's dream, she felt like she was missing something. As if everything was too normal. What was that missing piece?

In her dream, there was a vault that was locked up. As much as she tried to open it, it just wouldn't budge. But out of nowhere, she gained a sudden burst of energy and managed to open the locked vault.

Inside the vault, there were small orbs that contained memories of...murders?



Every orb in the vault flew into her head. And just like that, she remembered everything. Even murders that Venti never told her about.

When she woke up, she was going to send Venti to the church of Favonius. She was going to make sure he confessed everything.


"OW! UGH, WATCH THE BRAIDS! Where are we going?!" Venti yelled as Lumine dragged him by his hair to church. And man, was she pissed.

"I know everything you did. Even what happened to Gianna, you liar. You're gonna confess everything to Barbara right now, or we are over."


Venti froze and stopped pulling at Lumine's hand. But, if he did confess, was Lumine gonna leave him? He loved Lumine more than anything and everything. So, for her sake and his sanity, he would confess everything honestly.


"So, you would like to confess your sins?" Barbara asked once they got inside.

"Yes. But it's a little different. You can ask me questions about the recent deaths and I'll answer them truthfully." Venti said with a sad smile.

"Oh...alright. A few hours ago, they found a young girl's body in the water near Starsnatch Cliff. Do you know anything about that?"

Venti nodded. "Mhm. I pushed her in there."

Barbara's skin went pale. "What?! You killed her?" Her heartbeat escalated. "Uh, so what about Diluc? Did you kill him too?"

"Yes. I stabbed him in the throat. Maybe I got carried away since it was my first kill...hehe."

"And Albert? I'm aware he is my stalker, but he didn't deserve death!"

"HE DID, BARBARA! You're a minor and he's an adult. It's wrong and disgusting. So I waited until night to slice his throat open. And then, sister Rosaria came."

Barbara's eyes filled with tears. "Did you kill her too?"

"I did, yes. She was a witness when I killed Albert. So I beat her to death at Windrise. But she didn't do anything to piss me off so I revived her and killed Royce instead. Heh, little bitch deserved it."

"So...Rosaria is still alive?"

Venti nodded again. "I'm not sure where she is but she is alive."

Venti went in to explain how he killed La Signora and Ivan (including Royce) in further detail. For obvious reasons, your author will not go into detail on how he killed them. He purposely left Nahida out because she was a god, and Barbara didn't know who that was and didn't need to know.

When he finished explaining, Barbara looked as if she was going to puke and die there on the spot.

"Ohhhh Lord Barbatos! Forgive me for hearing such unholy things!" She cried out, flopping onto her knees and clasping her hands together.

Venti sighed and put his palm over his eyes. Well, now you know what it's like to be the God everyone worships.

"I'm sorry. I won't kill anyone anymore. I've already got my revenge."

"Ok! Good! Unfortunately the penalty is a few months in solitary confinement. Sorry. You're going to have to say goodbye to Lumine because you aren't going to see her for a while."

Venti hugged Lumine as tears rolled down both of their faces. "I'm so sorry. And I love you. So much. Don't forget that, ok?"

"I won't forget it. I love you too. Just don't go around killing everyone." Lumine teased, pinching Venti's cheek.

"Hehe...I promise no more deaths are going to happen. Don't worry."

He kissed Lumine once more and looked back at Barbara.

"I'm ready."

"Barbara took Venti by the arm and led him to the Knights of Favonius headquarters. Venti waved back at Lumine, sniffing and crying. He deserved this after all so why was he crying?

"I'll miss you! I love you!" He called before he disappeared out the door for his punishment.

 "𝙈𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖" ● 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤!𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞 𝙓 𝙇𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ● 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now