• 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 8 • (𝙏𝙒: 𝙢𝙪𝙧𝙙𝙚𝙧)

949 21 34

~3 weeks later~

How long...? How long has it been?

Signora thought to herself as she lay there in her bed, numb and unresponsive. It felt like forever since she felt anything but pain.

Venti had tortured her to the point of death, and when she did die, he would just force some liquid down her throat and it would bring her back to life.

But he would just kill her once again for his own amusement.

The methods kept getting worse and worse, from knives to swords to chainsaws and even suffocation.

Signora had been tortured so much that it wasn't even phasing her. She was just letting it happen. To which when Venti came skipping down the stairs one morning, she didn't even get scared.

"Good morning~! You ready for your daily dose of death?" The God chirped, gripping a knife in his hands. When she heard the word "death", a smile came onto her face. At this point, nothing would bring her joy than to die and stay dead.

She nodded slowly, to which Venti cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Huh? You...actually wanna die? Huh. That's new. Now I don't know if I should kill you or keep you alive..." He tapped his chin playfully and went over to Signora's side. He smiled a creepy smile while looking down on her.

"Please Barbatos, I want to die. I can't live like this anymore. Just...end me." She pleaded and move towards Venti from the chains.

Eyes wide, Venti's excitement couldn't be contained. "Hehe, I'm surprised. I've never met someone who begged for me to kill them. Hm, you're lucky. I ran out of those revival potions too~. Soooo, your wish is granted!!"

He aimed for Signora's heart and with a giggle, he brought the knife down upon her.

But he "accidentally" stabbed her stomach...

Signora coughed up blood and glared at Venti, who covered his mouth as if he really did do it on accident. "Ah, silly me! I meant to go for your chest but I missed~ aww.

"You know, I need to leave today anyway. So I guess I can't leave you out to bleed." Venti muttered a few incoherent words and stabbed Signora in the chest, piercing her heart. This time, she would never be coming back...

He took the knife and threw it aside. He already had a gorgeous scythe, why would he need something as puny as a knife?

He closed his eyes and using the wind, he picked up Signora's dead body and walked out of the basement.


"Goodbye, sweet cottage. You served well." He whispered and threw the small match at the wooden house. He turned away from it as it burned along with Signora's body, heading towards the beautiful city of Mondstadt. Clutching Signora's mask in his hands, he smiled knowing his duty was fulfilled.


He arrived back in Mondstadt and immediately searched for Lumine. He was away from her for quite a while and he missed her dearly.

He thought of their house and ran, eager to see his sweetheart once again. But he saw something. Something...unpleasant.

There was someone yelling.

Yelling at Lumine.

Venti peered from a corner. Lumine had her head down the entire time she was being scolded.

Apparently, a guy by the name of Ivan was yelling at her for not completing his commission on time. Venti could see the sadness on her face. His heart broke into two and he automatically got his next victim.

"Do better next time! I can't believe everyone calls you the mighty traveler when you can't even do a commission within a time limit." Ivan spat and walked away. Venti practically growled at him from his hiding spot, the nerve of him.

Venti ran from the corner and hugged Lumine tight. With a gasp, she hugged back crying.

"I missed you. A lot has happened." Lumine explained the deaths of both Albert and Rosaria, and Venti acted surprised and scared to cover up his true identity.

"Oh dear. Who do you think it is?" He asked; Lumine replied with a shrug.

"I'm not too sure. But I really, really want the deaths to stop! But..." Lumine looked at Venti with a smile and placed a hand on his cheek.

"I missed you a lot. And I wanna take my mind off of the murders by spending time with you."

Venti blushed and smiled, nuzzling into her hand. "Awww hehe, would it be ok if we just cuddled?"

With a nod from Lumine, he picked her up bridal style and carried her to their home.

Hi I'm so sorry this chapter sucked ass- I had no idea what to write ehe

Also I have a terrible headache rn ueue so that's also why

 "𝙈𝙤𝙞𝙧𝙖" ● 𝙋𝙨𝙮𝙘𝙝𝙤!𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞 𝙓 𝙇𝙪𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚 ● 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝘼𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now