Chapter 17

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HE woke up gasping for air.

He sat up straight almost immediately, ignoring his heaving chest and the tears building up in his eyes. He put a hand over his heart and let out a soft sob.

Tears uncontrollably streamed down his face. His hands trembled and shook. His chest heaved up and down. He let out soft sobs of shock.

Getting up slowly from the bed, he made his way slowly out of the room, his legs trembling beneath him. He opened the door quietly and got out, heading to the room beside him.

His wife's room.

He knocked. Twice.

"Jagiya..." he began, his voice cracking, "can I please sleep beside you tonight? I-I'm really scared."

He twisted the doorknob, opening the door almost immediately. He peeked inside the dark room only to see his wife's figure sleeping peacefully on the bed, covered with a blanket.

"J-Jagiya?" He muttered, tears leaving his eyes.

She shifted on the bed and tossed herself around, turning to face his direction. Sleepily, she stretched her arm to invite him to the bed, her chest heaving up and down.

"Come here, beautiful," she spoke in a raspy voice, her eyes half-closed, "I'm here for you."

He made his way towards the bed and climbed up, his trembling frame relaxing as soon as his back hit the soft mattress. He reached up for her hand to seek reassurance after his terrible nightmare.

And instead of her returning the gesture with her hand, she pushed herself close to him and wrapped her arm around his waist, pulling him toward her.

"I love you, beautiful," she whispered, still half-asleep. His cheeks turned light pink as he returned the hug.

His heart broke at the sentence.

Because never in his life had he felt so baffled and out of place.

He was hurting.

And he couldn't do anything about it.

"I love you more than anything, jagiya..." he sobbed out, his hands shaking.

She pushed herself up and planted a clumsy, sleepy kiss on the side of his head, then inched down to smash her lips against his. He let out a trembling sob before returning the kiss.

"I love you," he whispered between her lips, letting out a small moan as she lightly nibbled on his lower lip.

She smirked and planted another, deep kiss, whispering sweet nothings into his mouth. Their breaths hitched while she continued to devour his lips.

"You're so beautiful," she whispered, "you're going to be okay. You're with me."

Yes. Yes, he was.

And he couldn't be more grateful.

She pulled him closer towards her and rested her head on top of his, running her fingers through his soft, blond hair.

"Stay with me," he muttered, hugging her waist, "please."

She kissed his forehead once again. "I will. Always."

Once again, he wasn't so sure about that.

He knew she was going to be heartbroken if she found out on her own.

And yet he had no courage to tell her.

"Do you want to go back to sleep, beautiful?" She asked, still feeling his soft hair. "Or do you want to stay up a little?"

"I-I was thinking about staying up a little- I mean, I was just so scared, and I wanted you to stay up with me. But... I couldn't when you were asleep like that. I felt terrible."

She sent him a small smile. One he couldn't see because the room was pitch black. Then, she planted a small kiss on his forehead before sitting up straight.

"Come on, baby. Let's go eat some ice cream to make you feel better," she suggested, reaching for his hand, "what flavor would you like?"

He smiled and took her hand, sitting up straight as well.


They both hurried out of bed, and soon out of the gigantic room.

"How are you feeling now?" She asked, taking a spoonful of her ice-cream cup, a small, sympathetic smile on her face.

"I'm great now," he replied, smiling, "thank you, jagiya..."

She rested her hand on his thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, "I'm always here for you, baby. You can talk to me or wake me up any time you want, okay?"

He nodded, then sighed.

"I'm really glad you're there for me, jagiya," he spoke, slightly trailing off, "I really don't know what I would do without you."

She smiled and rubbed his thigh, gently but reassuringly, then wrapped an arm around his body, pulling him closer. He sunk his face into her neck and inhaled. In and out.

He was going to be okay. She seemed to say. He was going to be just fine.

"I'm glad it's you," she whispered, trailing off as well, "I would've been murdered if it was someone else."

"W-What?" He spoke, shoving her away gently, his eyes widening in shock.

Did that have anything to do with the phone call he heard before? The one she had with her brother?

Before he could repeat his words, or even ask what was going on, she smashed her lips against his. The cold, sugary flavor of ice cream filled their mouths as she wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him closer once again. She nibbled on his lower lip and he let out a faint moan.

"J-Jagiya, what are you talking about?" He asked after a few seconds, their lips barely apart. His lips ached for more contact.

"Shh," she silenced quietly, "don't talk, okay? I'm just happy you're here."

Then, she placed her lips upon his once more. He obeyed her words and returned the kiss, his heart exploding with butterflies.

"I love you, beautiful," she whispered after they broke away, their faces inches away from each other, "but we need to go to sleep."

He nodded, a little disappointed, but satisfied anyway.

"Yes, jagiya, let's go."

He followed her away from the couch, and up the stairs.

"Can I sleep beside you tonight?" He asked, his cheeks turning light pink in embarrassment.

"Of course, beautiful," she replied, a small smile on her face, "you can sleep beside me every night."

It wasn't long before the couple jumped in the king-sized bed together, this time facing each other. Mal reached for her husband's hand and squeezed it gently.

"Good night, beautiful."

He nodded, stifling a yawn. "Good night, jagiya."


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