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You woke up with a start.

Relieved that even though you felt so lightheaded, it looked like you haven't been able to sleep well until now. The minute you gathered your own bearings, you realized you weren't in your own bed and the clothes you were wearing weren't yours.

The bedroom looked normal. A typical bedroom with white drapes, beige-colored cabinets, a full sized mirror and a queen-sized bed. As you stretched out to peer at a window, a vast orchard of apple trees could be seen right outside.

The redness of the apples in bloom instantly reminded you of what happened recently and why you were there in the first place.


You made a run towards the door and immediately stopped upon hearing a melodious hum around the kitchen. Walking slowly down the staircase with hand held tight on the wooden railing, you then saw Wanda's figure, her back at you, now in her normal clothes and shorter auburn hair. She was flipping some pancakes on the pan and as she turned to the table to transfer the cooked one into a plateload of pancakes, she noticed you.

Wanda smiled.

"Good morning, my love," she greeted, licking her fingers clean as the maple syrup she poured at the pancakes managed to drip down her fingers. "I see you've slept soundly."

You only smiled at her, the sight warming your heart. She then approached you as you sat yourself by the kitchen counter. Kissing you on the top of your head, she lingered on. You tried to wake yourself up because this felt like a dream.

"Oh my love," Wanda cooed softly as she caressed your face."You're not dreaming. This is real."

Then she turned from you as she attended to the stove. "For lunch, I will be cooking chicken paprikash, your favorite."

You sighed. "You mean my variant's favorite?"

Wanda tensed as she let go of the spoon, clanking against the plate so loud it echoed through the silence of the house. Then she looked apologetically at you.  "I wonder why she hadn't cooked you chicken paprikash yet. My mother always taught us that if you love someone, you have to fill both of her heart and stomach with love."

When she served you a plate of pancakes, your stomach immediately growled of hunger. You realized you haven't eaten properly since Billy arrived into your universe.

Wanda softly chuckled, her voice laced with tease, as she found you hesitating. "Come on, Y/n, you don't surely think it's poisoned, do you?"

No, it didn't cross your mind at all. You were just not used to this.

And Wanda's heart ached for you. She felt you had been neglected. And no version of you should ever feel that.

"Thank you," you softly said as you began to devour the food.

You moaned at the taste, which lit up Wanda's eyes. "Mmm, this is amazing, Wands."

And she smiled at you, then she walked out of the room and came back just seconds later. Wanda placed a red folded paper in front of you.

"I've learned Origami while you were away," Wanda said, as she trailed her fingers on the art. "It's the easiest one I've done yet. The crane. Without magic. You've always taught me about this and I never paid attention."

That was when you realized, Wanda seemed to talk to you as if you were your other variant, her eyes glassy before you as she talked about the other types of folds she could do with Origami. And you listened even when your heart tore for her.

Later that night, as you both laid down on the bed to sleep, Wanda's head on your chest listening to your heartbeat while your fingers twirling a strand of her hair, you couldn't help but feel emotional.

Maybe Not in this Universe (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now