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Wanda's eyes suddenly shot open.

The red surge of energy around her hands flickered off, succumbing the room into darkness. She was still catching her breath at what just happened, as she floated in midair with her legs crossed. Her hands with fingers darkened on the edges, ventured towards her mouth slipping down to her chest as she ached to feel you against her again, her eyes now streaming with tears.

A tattered hardbound book was open before her, floating seamlessly. The Darkhold.

Finally able to find you the second time around, Wanda couldn't stop herself. She missed you so much, she broke into a sob as she fell on the floor along with the book thumping hard against it.

A sudden knock on the door brought her out of trance. Natasha's voice then called out to her.

After quickly fixing herself and the room, she performed a spell to hide the book. The last thing she wanted was to get caught. She had no idea if she could bear not to see you again. Her eyes were all sunken without sleep as she put concealer on, just to prevent any questions to arise from Natasha.

Wanda had no proper sleep for weeks because she had been dreamwalking.

After you were taken to another universe and accepting the fact that you left, Wanda decided to move back into her old apartment. The group hesitantly let her but they took Billy with them. Knowing Billy could travel like you, they grew protective around him, as if she'd hurt the boy, just like her other variant.

Wanda knew she wouldn't even attempt to use the boy anyway just to get to you. If you wanted to leave her, Wanda let you be.

What the group didn't know was she took the Darkhold that Tony had been keeping in his quarters before she left. You and Stephen were supposed to take it back to Kamar-Taj after retrieving it from a mission but Wanda was glad you didn't.

She was just curious, that's why she took the book with her. She just wanted to take a peek of you, how you'd been doing, if her other variant had been good to you, if it was finally your dream come true.

After weeks and weeks of searching, she was able to find the universe you were in. She hesitated at first. She always thought you left because you didn't want her anyway. But she missed you so much, it wouldn't hurt to just get a glimpse of you.

So she started to dreamwalk into her other variant's body.

Her variant was oddly swimming in the lake when it happened. She didn't know why but she could feel her mind and body were suddenly full of sadness and sorrow. Was her variant trying to drown herself to death?

But Wanda lost her thoughts the moment she saw you. You were so thin like you hadn't been eating properly. Had she been neglecting you? Did you really want to be here with her? Or did she kidnap you?

What happened after that was a blur. Wanda just knew she missed you so much, she couldn't stop herself. She kissed you for the second time and she didn't stop from there. She had tasted you and found herself getting addicted. That must have been days of pure bliss and love.

Until Wanda 489 was able to fight back and she was kicked out from her system.

She was only able to get through her variant again last night when the other her was at her vulnerable state.

And you made love with her. She didn't even know she had that kind of magic. Was that the process of how Billy was born?

When you recognized her, it made Wanda feel so much loved. And she knew she had you on that moment. Just you and her.

Another knock brought Wanda back to her senses.

As she hesitantly opened the front door, a cheerful voice made Wanda's face lit up.

"Wanda!" Billy greeted, as he went to hug her knees. "I missed you!"

Wanda smiled as she kneeled and hugged the boy back. "I missed you too."

"Aunt Nat and I brought cheese pizza and brownie fudge ice cream!" He announced as he made his way into the apartment.

"Hey, Nat," Wanda nervously said as she straightened.

Natasha greeted her back as she gave her a light hug. "How have you been? You look like you've not been sleeping-"

"Nat, I'm fine, okay," Wanda shrugged as she went to follow Billy inside the unit, avoiding the blonde behind her. She still couldn't accept the fact that her friends betrayed her by not sharing about the mission you had.

Wanda helped Billy scoop some ice cream into his bowl as he mindlessly sang a song he learned from the long drive here.

"What's wrong with your fingers? Did you burn them?" Natasha suddenly asked, noticing.

Wanda quickly hid her hands away from Natasha's view.

"You know you can tell me anything, Wands," Natasha whispered, as Billy continued to sing in the background. "We're still here to help you-"

"I said I'm fine, Nat," Wanda hissed at a low voice, trying to hide the conversation from the boy.

But Wanda wasn't okay. She was far from that. She tried to dreamwalk again later that night and the days that followed. But the other her was no longer feeling vulnerable. Her mind had been fortified as if she knew Wanda had been using her body just to see you again.

When she finally managed to battle the other her, Wanda found you doing some gardening at the backyard. It was then when you both saw a dead squirrel and you almost vomitted at the sight and smell.

Wanda only laughed at you as she got rid of the dead squirrel but you excused yourself as you made a run inside the house.

You were gone for too long when Wanda began to notice. She placed the gardening tools back to the ground and went inside. The bathroom door was open as she heard you lurching all you've eaten into the toilet.

"You okay?" Wanda asked you, gripping on the door. And you gave her a weak smile.

"Just... it smelled so bad," you reasoned out, laughing.

Wanda softly chuckled at you as she went closer to hug you.

But you stepped away as you asked, "Are you still upset why I haven't told you about Billy until now?"


Your brows furrowed in confusion. "About Billy... I hope you now understand why I kept him from you until you get better. He needs his mother too. And he wants her to be better."

You weren't making sense to Wanda. The moment she touched you, her hands slipping towards your stomach, she felt something.

But she was immediately taken back to reality as her sight distorted between half images of you saying you'll help her get Billy back and Natasha and others surrounding her in her own bedroom as Stephen took the Darkhold with him, eventually ending the dreamwalk.

"What are you doing?! Give me back the book!" Wanda screamed with anguish.

Stephen warned. "Do you know the consequences of stealing a sacred book from the temple, Wanda?"

"But I just needed to see her," Wanda cried. Then she looked at Natasha. "Nat! Where's Billy? I need him to get to Y/n! Or America, please... you have got to help me!"

"Wanda, you're not in the right mind," Steve advised as he went to approach her.

A shot of red wisp turning into a ball made its way towards Steve, making him flash his own shield. It sent the energy towards the wall, making it break down from the explosion.

Wanda's eyes glowed red as she stood up. Natasha tried to stop her but one flick of Wanda's wrist, she was thrown out of the house, more brick of walls crumbling down.

Stephen managed to contain Wanda by performing another spell but somehow, Wanda managed to get out as she placed a thought inside his head, making him think he was still fighting her, unaware that she was already fleeing from the scene.

She knew she needed to get back to you. But she needed to get to Billy first for that.

You were pregnant, and Wanda knew, no, she felt it was hers.

Maybe Not in this Universe (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now