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"Are you okay?" You asked, shaking Wanda 489 before you at the bathroom. She finally began to blink as if she just woke up from sleep.

"Sorry, it's just you blacked out for a moment... She was here again, wasn't she?" you asked, licking your lips nervously as your arms wrapped around your stomach.

Wanda only nodded as she hesitantly blurted. "Y/n... I think I felt so much fury in her this time."

You figured that would happen. You only wished she wouldn't get too mad about you overstaying in universe 489 because you knew the other Wanda still needed you. You hoped she would understand.

But days had passed and your own Wanda hadn't visited you. You missed her so much, you even found yourself staring at Wanda 489 sometimes, waiting for her to be all weird and touchy.

But the progress you were making with Wanda 489 was significant enough to make you sleep at night, counting down the days before you could see your own Wanda again.

Flowers you'd grown together from the garden had now surrounded your variant's grave. She only visited the other you once a week. You knew it was still too often but it was a progress for Wanda. She even talked about you when you went along.

What you weren't used to though were the morning sickness and the queasiness every now and then. You wondered if Wanda 489 knew about what developed between you and her when your own Wanda dreamwalked. But she did not dare to ask. All she ever asked about was Billy, how he looked like and what he was like. When you told her that he got your hair and her eyes, she was smiling all day.

Wanda had also shared about her thoughts one night. That if she'd known about Billy, she would have reacted differently towards your variant's death. She knew she would have done her best to give her son the best life he deserved. Regrets consumed her knowing she wouldn't be able to do that anymore because she knew she had to answer to the crimes she had committed.

You tried to assure her that wouldn't happen but you didn't want to get her hopes up.

One rainy night, you and Wanda were watching her favorite sitcom on the television when someone knocked on the door. You both shared surprised glances at each other, knowing no one knew where you currently lived. You didn't have neighbors.

When Wanda stood up from her seat, you immediately held her down.

"It's okay," you murmured. "I got it."

And right outside the door was Wong 489 with injuries already healed. His face was contorted between trying to look like a friend and look like he might attack you any second.

You were about to ask him to leave but Wanda spoke softly behind you, to let him in.

You had a very awkward dinner with Wong, knowing not just long ago he was at Wanda's mercy when she became the Scarlet Witch.

"You seem to look better," Wong started to converse, slicing through the steak you and Wanda grilled earlier outside the kitchen.

"Y/n helped me," Wanda timidy replied, giving you a warm smile.

Then you nodded as your hand went to hold hers and squeezed. "She really is better now."

"Grief changes a person. But with time and companionship to heal, a person can go back the same way he came," Wong said, chewing his food. "Only if the person wants to."

There was a dead pause after that and you could literally hear the sitcom play in the background.

"Are you here to take me away?" Wanda asked, breaking the tension. "I know I have to answer for the things I did, there's no need to sugarcoat it."

Maybe Not in this Universe (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now