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Song Recommendation:-
Anti Romantic by TXT

Jungkook hated how even after seeing the hybrid barely three times, he still managed to fuck up Jungkook's every kind of self-control and senses

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Jungkook hated how even after seeing the hybrid barely three times, he still managed to fuck up Jungkook's every kind of self-control and senses.

He went to the club to ease his tension, but nothing made him excited like before, and he kept thinking about that hybrid. Instead of the girls dancing in front of him, his mind kept repeating the hybrid's words about how lucky he was to be able to smell his mate's scent.

The pain and hurt in his voice churned an ugly feeling in his heart and stomach, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to get rid of it, and again he blamed this bond for it.

After staying for one hour, Jungkook stood up and decided to return to the castle, too bored by staying inside the club with nothing to do. Now he just wants to go and lay flat in the bed.

Any other time, he would've been chunking down the bottles of beers until he forgets everything, and only the alcohol remains in his system, but right now, how his instincts are yelling at him to go to that hybrid, so drinking now would be the worst decision ever.

He doesn't want to wake up seeing himself tangled up in the bed with that hybrid or, worse, say something he would regret his whole life. So it was the best idea to go home and sleep.

However, in the middle of the way, he saw some vampires trying to get their hands on the guards attempting to capture them, so Jungkook changed his path and went to help them. A little fight might help him to stop thinking about that hybrid.

Since then, he joined Hoseok to help him to trap the vampires in the dungeon, but he would leave before the professors arrived. He hated how that hybrid's blood scent was enough to haze his mind and make him do things he didn't want to, so he tried to maintain his distance from them.

For the whole week, he tried everything in his favor to keep his distance from anything that carried Taehyung's scent, but it started to take a toll on his mind. No matter what he did, his chest kept squeezing in pain to stay near the hybrid or bring him back to the castle, but Jungkook stayed ignorant to it, hoping for it to pass away soon, but it didn't.

The desire to stay near the hybrid kept increasing until he couldn't help anymore and ended up sneaking inside the laboratory, only to find Jin and Namjoon hiding inside the tree and staring at a window, where he guessed Taehyung would be there.

Deep inside, he felt relief knowing his hybrid was safe, so he returned that day without letting the two other vampires know about it.

He was calm for a day, but the next morning, that strange feeling of someone squeezing his chest arose again. This time it became more prominent, and he nearly got himself bitten during the capture of the vampires because he couldn't focus on anything.

So after the patrol, he decided to ask Hoseok how can he reject the bond and free himself from all these things. As soon as he stepped inside the library, he didn't expect Namjoon's presence and wasn't ready for his confrontation in front of the elf.

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