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Song Recommendation:-
Frost By TXT

Song Recommendation:- Frost By TXT

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25 October
67 Days Left

Taehyung steps into the university, immediately having all the eyes on him, making him sigh and walk faster to his class. Jimin follows him, greeting a few kids with a smile who greet him.

Taehyung, on the other hand, ignores everyone in the class, sitting as usual on the second bench, face covered with a mask, making him look more intimidating than ever, and no one reaches out to him.

Taehyung was thankful for it. He doesn't want people to act overly friendly just because Jungkook accepted him as his mate.

There was a sharp contrast in teachers' behavior as well. At first, no one used to pay attention to him if he submitted his assignments on time, but even a minute late would get him scolded endlessly. Sometimes, they would even throw away his project and refuse to accept it.

But now, the teacher praises him for completing it, and he doesn't know if it's out of sarcasm or respect, but he knows he hates this.

He hates all the attention he was getting from those who mistreated him all this time.

Sighing, Taehyung exits the college, not wanting to stay there for long, and he texts Jimin to let him know that he left the college early, not mentioning the place because he doesn't want a vampire tailing behind him. The other hasn't seen it yet, but Taehyung doesn't care and walks down the street with a cap on his head.

The street felt far better than college. At least the people here don't stare at him or look at him as if he had just grown two heads.

Taehyung walks down the familiar street, filled with different types of shops, and he spots Jae standing in the flower shop, smiling and talking to a few ladies.

He walks past them, hoping the other doesn't notice him, and walks down the lane, where a bookstore catches his attention. It's been a while since he read any book, so he silently enters the place, hearing the chime as the door opens.

Immediately, Taehyung felt eyes on him, but everyone was busy reading their books, yet he felt shivers.

Was someone keeping an eye on him? Taehyung wondered but shrugged it off. He doesn't even care about it anymore.

However, just as he was about to move towards the shelves, someone grabbed his wrist, and he was teleported to the living room of his mansion.

He turns to glare at the vampire, who is huffing, a little sweat on his hair and forehead. "Why do you teleport me out so suddenly? And how did you even know where I was?" He glared, but the vampire dared to narrow his eyes at him.

"Well, Jae saw you walking and told me about you. " That fucker.

"But Tae, just because Mira is dead and her parents are in jail doesn't mean you are free. There are still their supporters who would try to take revenge by harming you. " Jungkook says, making Taehyung scoff.

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