Chapter 14

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Jessica's Pov

I was being discharged  from the hospital today and Daniel asked me to stay with him for the  time being which made sense. I mean i can't expect to stay with Sam and  Matt with two new borns while looking for a new place. I would be  imposing. He said that he wanted the babies to bond with him and all the  things that i'd need is already over at his place and the babies have a  room set up over there so i agreed.

I held Zara while Daniel  held Zoe as he helped me into the back seat of his car and handed her  to me as well. Then he got into the car and started the engine. "Would  you like me to stop and get some takeout on the way home?" he asked.  "Yes please. That would be great. Could we get pizza? I would kill for  some pizza right about now." I whispered because i didn't want to wake  the girls up. "Yeah sure. Anything for the mother of my kids." Daniel  responded and i felt something weird happen in my tummy. I continued to  stare at how perfect my babies are, I couldn't believe how my heart  could contain the amount of love that i had for them already,  i'm grateful for them even though i didn't plan this i wouldn't have  changed it for the world.

Daniel pulled into a  parking lot and asked me what pizza i'd like before he hopped out of the  car. Watching the girls sleep which was making me sleepy too and i really  just wanted to get home, lay them down and take a hot bath. I felt so  stuffy and exhausted and i'm sure that a bath, some pizza and a nap  would help a lot. When Daniel got back the smell of Pizza hit me, I was  extremely eager to get home so when we pulled  into his driveway, my relief was very evident, the car drive was painfully long as my stitches was still in.

He opened my door and took one of the  girls a d held his hand out to me to help me out of the car. He then made his way up to the door and unlocked the door opening it up for me to walk through. He  followed after me and i lead him to his bedroom to lay the girls on his  bed. I didn't have the energy to walk upstairs and lay them in the room  that we have made up for them.

He went back to his car to get  the pizza and baby bag and then went to drop the pizza in the kitchen. I  placed pillows around the babies so that they wouldn't wiggle too far  from where we've placed them. Yes i know, they were too weak to actually  move but better safe than sorry i'd say. I waited for Daniel to pop  into his room so that  he could watch the girls while i shower. I wasn't  comfortable with leaving them alone just yet.

I went to get some  clothing and saw that there was a whole section of maternity stuff packed in my section of the closet and i picked out some items and walked back to Daniel to ask him where this  stuff came from. "Daniel, did you get me maternity things after i'd  already left?" "Yeah, my sis helped me pick some things out. She said  that you'd need some new comfortable clothing for after you gave birth  and i kinda owe you for the misunderstanding with Carla." "Okay, well  thanks, mind if i use your bathroom? Since the girls are in this room  i'd rather shower here." "You don't actually  need to ask for permission  but yes." I then went to shower.

The water felt so great  on my skin, as if it was refilling my body with energy. I washed myself,  my hair and then turned the shower off. I quickly dried myself and  hurriedly got dressed because i remember that i needed to wake the girls  so that they can feed. I think its been two hours since their last  feed, I ran my hairbrush through my hair as i walked out of the bathroom  and saw Daniel laying next to the girls, just watching them sleep and i  kinda felt bad about disturbing his moment with them. "Thanks, the  shower was what i needed. I actually need to feed the girls then i'd lay  them in their room and bring the baby monitor down. Mind giving me a  moment to feed them?" he sat up from his position, "Actually i'd like to  help while you do. Don't they need to be burped? I could burp the one  while you feed the other if that's okay with you?" "Uhm, sure." I said  as i sat on the bed as well. I picked Zara up and grabbed her blanket,  threw it over my shoulder and Zara before exposing my breast. I was not  comfortable knowing that Daniel got a clear view of my boobs so i  covered up.

She made some morning sounds before she lashed on and every few minutes i'd burp her  before placing her down to drink again. When she was done, i handed her  to Daniel so that he could lull her back to sleep and i repeated the act  with Zoe.

When Zara fell asleep , Daniel placed her on the bed as she was fast asleep and  started lulling Zoe to sleep. "While you're doing that, i'm going to  warm the pizza up. Please reposition the pillows around them to make sure they're secured when she's asleep, I'll bring you some pizza if you'd like." I said "he told me he'd love some pizza before I left the room.

I felt as though i was  walking funny and I knew that I'd only feel normal once my stitches dissolved.

Daniel joined me shortly  after the pizza came out of the microwave and we ate then I asked  Daniel to watch the girls while i check if their room is ready for them.  When i returned both the girls were lying on their backs staring up at  Daniel who had apparently been making funny noises at them. I went to  the bathroom and got their bath's prepared in the baby bathtub Daniel had gotten  and then returned to the bed room, I placed it on his bed before asking him if he'd mind me bathing them on his bed, he didn't protest at all and asked his he'd get two baby bathtub towels in their room, two diapers, their baby wash soap and their pajamas before i started to undress them.

"Yeah sure." He got up and got the items  from their room upstairs. I figured that Daniel could wash one of the girls and i  the other. I wrapped them in their blankets since it might be a bit cold  for them to be in their diapers and Daniel  returned with the items I'd asked of him.

I washed Zoe and explained how he needed to hold Zara when he washed her but when it was his turn to bath her he was doing a surprisingly good job at washing her, he mimicked everything I'd done and when she was done bathing i showed  him how to dry her and he was focused on washing her while I dried Zoe, rub Zoe out with their oils and he did the same to Zara, we their diaper on  properly so that they don't pee through it and dressed them.

When we were  done, we carried them to their room and i sat on the couch in their room  and fed and burped them with Daniels help before putting them to bed. Daniel and i took  the baby monitor with us so that we could hear when they woke up.

I was so grateful that  unlike Daniels, my room is right beside the girls bedroom so i wouldn't  have to climb stairs before i got to them.

We were leaving the  girls room when Daniel said that we needed to clear the air about things. I was physically exhausted and had no strength to have this  discussion but if he wanted to get it off his mind then i wasn't going  to protest. "Okay but i'm really tired and would have to be up in two  hours time to feed the girls so you can either talk about it while i get  in bed or tomorrow morning when i wake up?" "Now would be fine so i'll  talk while you getting settled into bed." "Okay." I said as i entered my  room and switched the bedside light on.

" Before I say what I need to I want you to know that Carla and i dated for a  while a few years ago and we broke things off because it just wasn't  working out but we kept a no-strings-attached kind of relationship. I broke  it off after i found out about the babies and well she thought i was  kidding so she showed up here because i haven't been responding to her  texts or calls and she wanted to know why i'd ended things so abruptly  and understood after i explained things to her. She shouldn't have showed up like that but i should have been honest about her, i didn't think it mattered because I'd broken things off with her months before you and I actually started sleeping together again."  "Okay, thanks for clearing that up." "Are you not going to ask me what i  told her about you?" "No. You said that you explained things to her and  well, i was there when i got knocked up so i kinda know what happened."

"That's not exactly the  whole reason as to why i ended things. There's more to you than just the  girl i knocked up." "That's really sweet Daniel but i'm really tired  and i appreciate you telling me this but could you not do it right now? I  still have crazy baby hormones and i'd rather not misinterpret things."  I said while getting under the covers to emphasize that i was done with  the conversation for now. "Yeah, okay. I'll be in my room if you need  help throughout the night. Also, maybe we should get a breast pump  tomorrow so that i could feed the girls for a night while you get some  rest." "That sounds great. Thank you for being so helpful and handling  this situation so well. Good night Daniel." "Good night Jess." He said  as he closed the door "Please don't close it all the way." I said and he  did as requested.

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