♡First Date♡~fluff~

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Note: this will be very long😅

Slender's POV
I hurridly put on the clothes Zalgo gave me , which is a white overall with light blue and gold swirls and patterns on it that has slits showing the sides of my legs and came with sleevlets in the same color and patterns.

I rushed downstairs as I saw Zalgo waiting for me at the door dressed in royal suit with a cape going down to his ankles with the outer part black and the inner part with a glittering red. He then lent me his hand as I took it we then began to walk.

"Where are we going? How far is it?How much longer will it take till we arrive?" Slender asked twisting his head from side to side asking a dozen questions as he realised that he's never been to this part of the forest as they go along

Thats when Zalgo stops then turns to Slender cupping his face in his hands shaking it violently "WHEN WILL YOU STOP ASKING QUESTIONSSSS!!!" He yelled as he then stopped. To see Slender dizzy as if he was gonna throw up.

As he then snapped back to reality thats when Slender looked up and saw how close he was to Zalgo as thier faces was inches away. Both men then bursted out cackling. After abit they went back walking.

Awhile into walking thats when Slender begins to see a bright light in the distance. From behind a pair of hands then covers his eyes as they along the path getting closer and closer to the light (ofc Slender couldnt see)

Thats when Zalgo lifted his hands from his eyes to show Slender the beauty of his suprise. It was a clear field with such bright green grass, lovely flowers a few little trees and many bunnies and a beautiful , big , bright , red , pink sky and the most romantic,shiniest,brightest sunset ever.

Slender's POV
My eyes widened as I looked at the view, I could'nt belive it.... I missed all this, my whole life.. It felt nostalgic..as if I was here before. "Zalgo..this is AMAZING it's so preety, I love it!!" I said with a big smile turning to Zalgo-

As he then pushed me into the feild in the fluffy grass as he lept in aswell while a chuckled with him. We then sat under a tree,thats when I pulled out my flute I was given to as a gift from my mother to play for him.

"Wow thats lovely...but you know what else is lovely?" Zalgo complimented then asked, "What?" I replied smirking as he then pushed me off having me rolling down into a pile of flowers as he came tumbling along with me.

( insert Komi cant communicate board scene song )

Thats when I pounced on him as we wrestled in the grass laughing. Thats when I got up realising I was ontop of him , both of us rose with me still on top of him as I silenced myself in a akward way.

He then reached out to the most beautiful hair clip I've ever seen, it was in gold with swirl patterns and a leaf with a flower that looked like cherry blossom but in blue and white.

"Thank you Zalgo for bringing me here..and for this clip aswell" I said as he then placed the hair on the side of my head above my ear. He then gently lowered his hand to my chin.

Thats when he pulled me in..to our first kiss. It was so magical , I felt butterflies LITERALY as a whole family of them came flying out into the air surrounding us as we separated our lips as I still kept my face close to his smiling warmly.

He then placed his hand on my cheek pulling me in for another kiss, there sparks in me as he stopped to tell the words I never I was waiting for...

"Slender...I envy , I fancy you.. I'm inlove with you and...I wanna be with you always and we dont need to hide it either I'm sure the others will undrstand but for now lets just enjoy this moment ok.." he said as cupped his hands in mine holding to his chest.

" I really would like to spend my life with you Zalgo...I hope the others understand too." I smiled back as we got up and headed off.

Anyways hope yall liked this one also give me some ideas for my next chapter and I'll what I can do.
Byeee I love you all🥰🥰💞

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