Sick Day ♡Fluff♡

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Another fucked day and the whole damn house is in shittery and my ass is here wondering where the fuck is Slender?
It was a major concern though, he never gets sick on a regular basis.

So out of curiosity and I went up to his room blatantly without knocking. It was a good thing I did because I heard distinct coughing from the bathroom,

My first instinct was to tell his brothers that were staying in the guest rooms,like
I predicted they already teleported to him. My second instinct was to call only one person..

Slender's POV
I could barely move my legs, my vision was blurry the minute I woke up. My throat was sore and chest felt heavy like I could'nt breath, the next thing I knew was I ran to the bathroom gagging in the sink.

Black fluid leaking from my lips. Just then I hurled again, again and again. The second time it happened was when my brothers came in.

Trender held my hair out of my face while Splender rubbed my back.
"Jeez wtf gas gotten to you?" Trender yelped wondering the same question as me.

How did I end up sick??
I had'nt eaten anything bad nor touch anything that could be poisionous.
Or did I?

I had'nt eaten much at the party nor have I drunk any alcohol. Unless it was that waiter that served us our food put something in my platter.

Right now In back in my bed, everything feels numb, my voice is croacked and soft.
"Well I never though I would see this day coming. Feeling any better?"
A familiar voice announced their presence.

"Zalgo?" What was he doing here?

"One of your kids called me over."

"Did they now?" I scoffed with sarcasm.

"How are you feeling?" His expression changed drastically as he lifted my chin.

"Dead." I answered back blankly.

"I bought something special." He replied holding up a tube of some special medication.

He assisted me while sitting up and placed the tube to my lips allowing the fluid to go into mouth. It tasted horrendous if I say so myself.

He got up to leave but I didnt let that happen as my hands stretched out and reached for his hands, latching two of my finger on his.

"Stay.." I pleaded.

He layed on the bed with wrapping his hands around me, cradling me as he watched my eyed grow droopy.
His body warmth keeping me from shivering.

He kissed my head and cheek before we drifted off  to sleep under the covers with only candle lights with us.

Hey guys auther speaking!!
In so sorry I have'nt posted, school started back again so things are piling up again. I'll see when I can post if I can. Bye I hope you liked this chapter!

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