Something About You..Angstyfluff

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Zalgo's POV
I was taking a walk along the forest, the way the moonlight pierced through the tiny spaces in the leaves brought a calming atmosphere to me.

It was a beautiful night I must say, not a single entity or creature in sight to annoy me, no humans with flashlights to look for the 'boogeyman', pure quietness and peace.

The cold night breeze brushing against skin calming my nerves, the moon was bright tonight aswell, within every nick and cranny that had no trees or leaves it gave the forest a personal nightlight.

Everything was just like I hoped for until I saw a familiar male figure who had sat upon a rock near the water stream.

Something about him made me want to grit my teeth and walk away, the next part made me want to walk up to him and make him my bride.

Ofcourse I had to go with the second option, but I stayes within the shadows of the trees, observing him and his annoting beauty.

Flawless soft pale skin, silky smooth tar black hair that went down to his hips and covered most of his faceless face.
An elegant body type, he had perfect curves in all the right places, sure he was slender but definetly not by the hips.

He carries an interesting aura, somewhat threatening but also calming in some way. Specifically his voice, it always made the burning tension in my nerves stop and helped me relax...
It didn't make sense either.

Something made me just want to hold him or atleast lay my head on his lap and just listen to his voice as he spoke to me. He's perfectly imperfect. Ofcourse he wasn't strong strong  but he carried a decent amount of strength mostly in his legs, he was incredibly flexible beyond my ranges and impossibly beautiful for a man..

His body was quite feminine, despite he had soft abs and arm muscles he had a very slim waist, that of a slut if you mean. It could fit in my two hands if I could. His skin glistenined in the moonlight as he sat upon that rock like a damned mystical creature, ofcourse he was but something made him more....pretty?

Theree so many details I know about him and it honestly makes me sound like a creep aswell.
Enough with my thoughts time to approach him and try to have a decent conversation with him.

Ah yes a decent conversation with someone who I've fought with millions of times and shed each other's blood.

"I know you're there...", He spoke up and stood up thinking I was here to argue and throw hands.
"Just a reminder Im only here to observe the sky.", I replied blankly, great now I sounded like an asshole again.

"Couldn't you do it somewhere else?", He sneered folding his arms, if he even had a face his expresion right now would possibly be him raising an eyebrow and staring at me in annoyance.

"Well too bad. I've actually wanted to talk to you really.", I replied as I sat on the grass."Huh really?", He said sarcastically. "Yup.", I replied as dull as ever.

"Well go on. Dont keep me waiting I have a mansion with a bunch of idiots there so it better be fast before they set the place on fire.", He said as if he was rolling his eyes which are non-existent.

"I missed that boy you were. The sweet one, the one who got all giddy and jumpy and squealed over anything space related. The adorable little boy who would want to cry when I didnt show up to school, the one that would steal my biscuits and cookies during break when we sat together outside to school compound.

The little boy who I would hug so tight he had to tell me to stop otherwise he may stop breathing. That same little boy who would plant kisses on my forehead or cheek before he had to go home.

The boy who I'd sneak out my palace to meet him by that abandoned cabin in the forest. I want him back...I miss him",
I stated as I almost tripping on my words.

Slendy's POV:
My heart fluttered, I dont think I would have ever though Zalgo thought of me that way, but then again this could be a trick...

"Well to bad he's long gone.", I replied coldly.
"Not entirely.", He replied with a smirk.
"What do you mean?", I asked abit confused.

"Was that a comet?!", He announced as his eyes shot up up somewhere to the sky.
"WHERE?", I exclaimed curiously and abit excited, I looked around the sky in search of the comet but I got dissapointed and saw nothing.

The only thing I noticed was Zalgo's grin as he laughed at me.
"You son of a bitch!?", I yelled as my cheeks flushed in embarassment.

"I told you not all of him was missing.", He replied with a bitchy grin. He stood up and walked over to me, I could feel every nerve in my body tensing up.

"See? I was right.", He said with a warm smile and patted my head? I was quite confused with this friendly act, it wasn't sketchy or felt nice in some way.

"Why are you acting so nice now..?", I asked confused and abit angry now.
"What do you mean?", He said teasingly.
"Stop this shit! Before you were completly out of it! Did you forget the injuries you gave me! Almost killing me!

Almost killing my brothers and proxies!
Stop it! I hate it when you start your nice acting bullshit like if you never did anyrhing wrong!", I yelled into his face.
He looked quite taken a back from my outburst and looked very shocked from it.

"I have no excuse and I know I fucked up big time. But I promise I've stoppped! I mean look at me, we haven't fought for 2 years now. Thats progress right?", He said trying to calm me down and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"No! Sure you stopped but did you ever think to apologize!? Or to atleast see me in person and  call it quits and sign a peace treaty!? You dont get to touch me and act all friendly until you realize what you did wrong and apologize!", I exclaimed and slapped his hand off my shoulder.

Narrator's POV:
Zalgo never looked so shocked by such an outburst, worst of all he never saw Slenderman so upset, even without a face his voice sounded kind he would crack and cry on the spot.

"Im sorry I-", Zalgo said trying to apologize.
"Cut the shit Zalgototh your not getting my forgiveness until you mean it!", Slender quarelled as his voice cracked. He stayed quiet and reached his hands behind his head, untieing some sort of ribbon, as he did so his so called faceless face was a lie aswell. It was a simple porcelain mask.

Zalgo never saw this outcome and was very caught off guard and shocked, he never saw the man's face before. But boy he fell for him harder than before, he had crystal pure white eyes and cherry lips.

But what crashed his heart was the expresion on the man's face, he had angry tears threatening to fall.
"I hid this from you because I knew you would fall for it, just cause of a pretty face wouldn't you?", He stated as a tear fell down his cheek.

But Zalgo knew better, he had already fallen inlove before he saw this pretty face infront of him, he fell for him since childhood. Since the day he called him 'my prince', since those days where they would sneak out together late at night to observe the stars.

"Your wrong again..", Zalgo replied calmly.
"Bullshit! Everyone I knew! My wife only wanted someone to ram her into a mattress to make her child! Even the other entity's that I'd fought would rather chain me to abed than throw hands at me!", He cried out.

"But I didn't, I fell for you since childhood! I fell for you that day when you called me 'your prince'! I fell inlive with you because of you yourself! Trust me please!", The demon king begged as he wanted the confort the other entity who was now crying.

Ite am out here dont worry Ima make part 2 soon, probably  by tonight or aome shit☠️☠️

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