The Plan

210 7 4

Zalgo's POV:
Ok I got this.....I dont got this💀.
Just ask his brother the question, if I get a yes theen hooray, if I get a no Im doing it anyway.
"Heyyy Splendor...", I walked into the kitchen to meet my boyfriend's older brother.

"Oh hi Zalgo! How have you been? Is my brother alright? Did he eat? Also would you like a snack?", He started frowning me with queestions.

"Okay I need to ask you a very important question.", I stated to which he frowned like he was worried.
"What's wrong?", He asked

"Actually its good news and it involves your brother...", I replied sheepishly to ehich he folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at me, that look made me want to piss my pants.

"So you know how he thinks of you as a parent figure right...?", I muttered and took a few steps back incase he decides  to jump me.

"Uh huh...", He replied bluntly.
"So I wanted to ask you permission for something..", I replied, my fucking forehead started sweated and my teeth were chattering at this rate.

"Dont tell me its your bedroom stu-", He blurted out but I covered his mouth fast.
"NO! No! Its not that!", I chuckled nervously, gosh I wish I took this conversation somewhere more private.

I took a deep breathe moved my hand away from his mouth.
"I wanted your permission to......", I trailed off, this was going shittier than I expected.
"To what?", He asked in a cold tone, I felt like I could huddle in a corner and start crying.

"Propose to him..", I replied fidgeting with ny fingers and looking down.
I saw his mouth gaped open wide, his lips then curved up and he smile dwidely with his teeth.

"YOU WANNA PROPOSE? I CANT BELIEVE IT! HE'LL BE SO HAPPYYYY! I JUST KNOW HE SAYS YES!", He squealed and gripped ny shoulders and started rapidly shaking me back and forth.

"I'll throw up if you keep shaking MEEE!", I yelled as he stopped shaking me and moved his hands off my shoulders.

"Whem you are going to do it?!", He asked like some giddy little child on their birthday.

"Im gonna do it on his birthday tommorow.", I replied while trying to get my balance right.
"I CANT WAIT!", He squealed jumping up and down.
"Neither can I....", I sighed.


Creepypasta (SlenderxZalgo) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now