A Will to Live pt 2 *Angst*

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(The thoughts belong to me♡)

Keep this in mind!!
Slenderman - Aspen
Trenderman- Tristan
Tender- Louis
Splenderman- Leon
Surrender- Simeon.
Øff3nderman💀- Oliver

Zalgo's POV
"WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING KID!" Some random stranger yelled in their van at me, here i am on ny way to check up on my friend.

Panicked thoughts scattering through my mind, he could be in a coma right now or dead?! I only know how bad things can get at his home.

Once we had to stay 3 days by ne because his 'father' would'nt let him eat and took away most of his clothes. I let hin stain my shirt with his tears on my shoulder.

When i arrived,I left my bike outside near the porch on the ground and snuck in. I knew that if his 'father' found out I broke in their house, serious damage will be done.

Everything was empty, the house reeked will alcohol, a deep dish pan layed on the floor with burnt ciggaretes, curtains for doors, stained dirty pink walls, unwashed dishes that stenched, dim lights and an opened basment door.

I nearly gave at the sight of the state the house was in. Filthy, no putrid, any word in the dictionary that means utterly diggusting to where grew standards to not even live in there.

My first instinct was to go down in that basement. The Old creeky rusted floor boards each made a squeek each time I laid a gentle step.

My ears suddenly brought my attention with some noise, 'Are those chains?'
I said fuck it and skipped down those stairs.

My heart sank at the sight infront of me. They were all chained by either their ankles or their wrists, worst part is they look even slimmer than they already were before. My eyes the captured the marks on their bodies.

It seemed as if they were either badly drugged asleep or were beaten to the point they fell unconcious. My attention was then drawn to Aspen.

Side note: this is before he became Slenderman, so his old name was Aspen.

His long hair was in a mess, his face drained in dark bruises of purple and red shades. It was a good thing I bought a kit for that.

Time skip
My legs felt numb, after taking each sibling a ride back and forth to my home which was a 20 minute cycle if you were gong one time.

Aspen......I wish I was there earlier to protect him. Almost everyday while we walked to school he either fainted on the way or had to limp from the damage done.

I beated myself for not being there for him all the time.
"Zalgo?", my head peeked up at the soft voice mumbling.

"Yes, am here. Are you okay? How bad is it? Do you need me to call police?"
He just stared blanky, tears dwelled in his eyes.

" I-I dont wanna go back, Im afraid of hi-m..Please dont leave me.." he pounced on me wrapping me up with his small arms.

Stiffled quiet sobs came out of him.
Years of pain, endurance, abuse and trauma were finally let out on my chest.

"Shh shh, its okay now."
"No its not.."
"Hey, look at me please" he finally looked at me, just inches closer would make out noses touch.

His gorgeous face stained in dry tears, eyes puffy and dark spots on his cheeks.
"Everything will be better for us now, I promise okay. Now I want you to tell me the truth."

His head rappidly nodding to my demand.
"How much did he hurt you? What did he do and why were all of you chained up?"

He began sniffling again, more tears and chocked cries sounded off of him.
"I- dont know, I did nothing wrong..I did what Im supposed to but he still would rather see me on the floor in a mess."

"I just f-found them like that a-nd then he h-it me and then chained me up. He also h-had a kn-knife." I stared blankly, intrusive thoughts provoking me.

I was gonna hurt this man for his faults.

I was gonna hurt him so much he starts praying on his knees begging for forgivness till he asks God to forgive his nasty sinful awful biddings.

I will hurt him so much he won't be able to scream or muffle a sound. Till his pulse is on its last beat.

I will crush his finger joints with pliers, I will have him tied by neck with a scorching necklace to go with his chocked cries for help, I will peel the aching skin off his body and turn it into a jacket.

I will gouge his eyes out its sockets and make him eat it, I will rip his tongue out and pluck his teeth out. Chop his dick off like cucumber and stab his feet so there's no where to run.

"Im sorry I was never there the first time. Do your want me to call cps first?"
I requested, hoping he would say yes.

"I-I just want my m-mom. I miss her.. but yes, please call cps. I-........I don't want anything like this to happen again"
Sorrow washed away all my murderous thoughts. 

My focus was to only now call for help.

Time Skip:
Their mother is now here

"Oh my baby....my baby. My sons oh my lovely sons. My babies, my love, my children. Im so sorry I wasn't there. Mommy's sorry oh she's so sorry. She's so sorry she wasn't there to protect you from that monster" their mother cried and pleaded for forgiveness.

Regret consuming her, wishing she was there to prescription her children. She explained on the phone weeping how she had to visit a sick family member with cancer.

"I promise to never leave you ok. Mommy promises she will have a better house and you won't have to smell alcohol or anything bad in your lungs. Oh im so sorry my babies..." cradling her two sons in her arms while the rest surrounded her.

"M-mom? Mama?" Leon finally woke up and jumped in his mother's lap.
"Thank you so much son for calling me.
Your also line another son that's not mine, words can't say how glad I am you protected my child."

"Thank you aunty. " I thanked her, she was always to me, I felt more loved from her than my parents. They were anyways on trips and were barely here for me. And missed quite a few of my birthdays.

I loved her, she felt like my own mom.
Especially her one son, Aspen.....

End bitch bcz I ran out of ideas💀💀

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