Sørrows ♡Fluff♡

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Slenderman's POV
"Hey, hey calm down, it's going to be alright ok listen to me.", Splendor tried comforting but all was too overwhelming.

"N-no, no it won't be!", I protested.

Earlier I was making lunch, when Tender barged he was angry for no-one knows what, his hand squeezed my shoulder.

"Are you okay brother? You seem upset?", I asked worriedly. Instead of a proper answer I got slapped. "Do I look okay to you dipshit?", he looked taken a-back when he realized what he said.

It made me remember how my father was...

He tried to approach as if he were going to apologize but like the little bitch I am I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

Surrender and Splendor found their way in my room and saw the state of me. "J-just leave.", I sniffled holding back tears from falling. They left after a 5 minutes of contemplating whether to leave me or not.

10 minutes later

"You're a damsel in distress today aren't you?", a familiar voice announced its presence. "Get out Zalgo..", I murmered under my breath.

"Tell me what happened..", he asked resting a palm on my shoulder.
"W-well my brother came in and he was upset. *Sniff* so I asked if he was alright but then he s-slapped and screamed at me.", I sounded absolutely pathetic.

He wrappes his arms around like cradling me safely, "Shh, it's going to be just fine. He will come to his sense but he should never snap at you that way.", he added. It felt like he was lying.

"B-but it was my fault, I m-made hin upset.", I responded.
"No it wasn't, it was his fault for snapping at you. Remember that no matter how mad anyone is it's wrong for them to let their anger out on you and not just you but anyone aswell.", he reasured.

He placed a kiss on my forehead and rubbed my shoulder.
An hour passed and I was fully calmed down.

"Im sorry for overreacting.", I apologised.

"No need to.", he cupped my face and kissed me to comfort me.
We sat there for a while, I rested my head on his shoulders as I sat on his lap.

"I should return to the palace.", he gestured to me so I can get off him.
"Stay with me, please.." ,I requested hoping he wouldn't leave me.

He appeared hesistant at first which upset me but he turned back to me.
"I supposed I can just go missing for one night.", he answered back.

We get under covers comfortably and snuggled to each other, he had his hands snatched around my waist while I had my face buried in his chest.

"I love you<3", he said.

"I love you too, now go to sleep.", I answered.

Creepypasta (SlenderxZalgo) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now