A Will to Live •Angst•

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Warning : I might make part 2, note that this chapter will have abu$e, suıc1d@l thoughts and s€lf harm.

Slender's POV:
"I just wanna leave and go home already" my friend, Zalgo sighed as if it were his last words on earth.

I never liked home, but neither did I like school so much aswell, its either I return home to red marks and slaps on ny skin or go to school to be called a f@ggot for looking too feminine.

Before I knew it, the bell rang. Zalgo and I had our usual walks home, stopping by my house ending with a hug and sometimes a kiss on the forhead goodbye.

The minute I opened the door, the gut wrenching scent of alcohol and unwasged dishes filled my lungs.

"Im home father.." I greeted myself in.
"Dont interrupt me while Im watching my shit" his raspy voice raised at me.

My bag dropped to the floor by my door,  after changing I do my usual check up on my brother's to make sure their fine.

My jaw nearly unhinged, no one was in their room. Franticly pacing through the house and no trace if anyone. Non of then liked the basement because it was dirty and got flooded alot.

I had no choice and skipped ny way down the steps. I felt my pulse skip a few beats, they were all unconsious, chained up.

Leon was lying on a chair with bruise marks on his hand, Simeon had red marks by his neck, Tristan had a black eye and Louis was fine which I praised.

Oliver had the worst, he was bleeding by the forehead, but even if he deserved it I still felt bad.

I couldnt even react to what was behind me either. Oxygen was knocked out of my lungs as I got thrown to a shelf. There was no saving me now.

"F-father?" I choked on my tears as they spilled from my eyes.

"GET UP AND BE A MAN! YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF?" , I was so confused. I was behaved this whole time  and was sure I did nothing wrong.

I did all my chorse, finished all my homework and took care of my brothers, what could I have possible done this time?

My vision was bring blurred, I could only feel the lashes of a chain stinging my skin, the end had a sharp point digging into my flesh and shredding it.

Screaming, crying, begging and kicking on the floor for it to end. Choking on my own cries and screams.

He ignored me once more, like he mostly does. It felt like a never ending execution, but it was only going on and on. Then everything blacked out.

Zalgo's POV
Its been a while since I've seen him, my thoughts drowning with worry. I was the only one he told about his home situations. 9 Days have passed since I last saw his cheerishing smile.

I wasn't even bothering to pay attention to my lecture class, while Mr.Rohan lectured us on whatever, I was planning to sneak into the house and save the one boy that made me feel affection for the first time.

Slenderman - Aspen
Trenderman- Tristan
Tender- Louis
Splenderman- Leon
Surrnder- Simeon.


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