Hold me ♡Fluff♡

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'When is my fiancé coming home?', I pondered to myself. Lately Zalgo has been coming late. And I doubt its that hes seeing someone behind my back. He looks so dreadfully tired and drained. My poor love.

If only being royalty was so easy. Not to mention there's more criminals on their way to kidnap us and sell us to humans. I wished he could've gotten a break.

I had a plan however, tonight I'll tell his assistant to clear his schedule by force and give Zalgo the best relaxing time ever!

4 hours later...

"Love, Im back. Theres something you wsnted to show me right?", Zalgo said as he walked. Poor man had beat red eyes and dropped his cost on the floor.

"Yup, just take my hand and I'll take you there.", I said. He agreed, slipping his fingers with mine intertwining our hands. I then teleported us away to a special place.

It was a beach, not no ordinary beach however. A beach with bioluminecent waters. It was starring at stars in the water. The beautiful scenery of the milky galaxy and the stars above us and the beach was too good to be true.

I watched his jaw drop in amazement.
"Babe,how did you find this?", He said softly, still staring at the ocean and the sky.

"I told you there was a suprise.", I chuckled back in reply. I walked us to a picnic spot on the sand under a lovely tree. Blankets, candles, water, snacks and two pillows.

He stared at the set up for a moment before pulling me into a kiss. Smashing lips on mine. We slowly pulled apart and starred at each other for a moment.

"I dont know how to thank you enough for this..I love you so much.", He mumbled sweetly and pecked another kiss on my lips.

"You dont have to thank me. I wanted to give you this.. I know how tired you are these days and it kills me to see you so drained. So how about we relax? I can be the big spoon this time and you can lay back and listen to me.", I told him.

"I like the sound of that.", He replied with an approving look on his face. I sat down cross legged on the sheet while he layed his head on my lap.

Strumming my fingers through his hear, mumbling sweet nothings to him.

"Can I have a bedtime story?", He requested, looking up at me from his lap.
"A bedtime story?", I chuckled.

"Yeah a bedtime story. Can I have one pleasssse?", He begged. With a playfull roll of my eyes I played along and thought of a story.

"Okay. Once upon a time, a little garden was a bunny. He was very curious about little things and twitched his little nose at everything. One particular day he hopped put his burrow with his mama and his papa. 'Come on mama, we have plenty places too adventure out today', called out the little bunny. The mama bunny followed him to a wonderfuly garden.

All sports of berries and vegetables galor were right infront of him. A sprinkle of excitement came down upon him and with the hop of his little feet he zoomed acroos the garden, trying all sorts of berries and veggies.

Within 20 minutes the poor little bunny was too full and his tummy had no room left for a single berry even. But the-", my voice was cut off by the sound of...snoring.

Well the story worked. I wasn't even finished yet. Oh well, maybe I can finish it another time. I layed down beside Zalgo and hugged him to my chest. His big muscular arms went around my hips and pulled me closer.

I softly giggled at this adorable sight. The allmighty Zalgo, snuggled in my arms and giving me the special once in a lifetime permission to be the big spoon and hold him.

How lucky am I aren't I?

My body never left.him throughout the entire. I never even knew it would feel so warm and lovely to hold him like this. Sleep well my love.

Im so sorry my wittle teeny weeny kitten whiskers😞
I have big exams that will determine my subjects for my future.
But never fear...daddy's here🗣🐺.
I missed ya'll so bad I had writer's block for a while too but Im getting it back dont worry!  Next week Firday my exams are done and I am free and I'll post a chapter...maybe a smut.

So gimme ideas and I'll write em :3

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