Ch 7

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It's a couple of days just building later when someone has the idea to build a nether portal. More specifically, I have the idea. As a safer route between places. 

Safer as in we don't really know if the Watchers attacked there too but hopefully they didn't. 

Our base is looking good too. The combined power of me, Doc, Scar and Joe's building abilities, despite our limited blocks, create a campsite with a small watchtower and enough tents for all of us. Most of it was done by Scar while Doc created a couple of anti-watcher death weapons around the perimeter, I built the tower and gathered resources, and Joe set up a small farm with wheat, potatoes and carrots. 

'So, who wants to go to the nether with me?' I ask. 

'I will.' Volunteers Scar instantly. 'I mean... if you think I'll stay safe enough there.' 

'Just so you know I'm not letting you out of my sight.' I warn, surprisingly unworried. 'Does anyone one have obsidian?'

'I do.' Doc hands me half a stack or so of obsidian. 'Good luck in there. Don't die.' 

'We won't.' I nod at Scar, about to start building the portal before he points out a better spot according to aesthetic and aesthetic only. It doesn't take long to create, Scar offers a bit of decoration, and we jump through. 

The nether hub lies ruined in front of us, but it looks like the only thing that is. I draw a sword, looking around for any danger. Nothing. With a sigh of relief I go to fly, flexing my wings and-

'STOP!' It's when Scar yells that I remember one thing: MY WINGS DON'T WORK. 

'Oh my goodness.' I stare at the lava beneath us. 'Oh my goodness...' 

'Don't... do that.' Despite the dark atmosphere, Scar laughs. 'That's my job. I do the stupid things.' 

'You just saved my life. Again. How do we get down?' 

'I've got blocks. We can build down. I grimace at the obvious lack of floor beneath us, but Scar's got it covered, first creating a larger platform, and then pillaring down with gravel (earning its place as one of my favourite blocks)

Scar jumps down first, checking it's safe first. Of course, he gives me some mysterious encouragement that he can fly if he falls, even though he has no elytra. I follow. 

Into one of the uncompleted nether tunnels. The red one. It doesn't take long to figure out it's a long way to safety. 

Conversation is in order. 

' does wizard magic work?' (Here comes a ton of exposition)

'I don't exactly know... I can just use it. I think anyone can, if they use the right words. I did just learn it, but I already had magic and...'

'I don't need your life story, Scar.' 

'Sorry... most people find it easier to trigger magic with the use of certain objects, like crystals.'

'Like Season 7.'

'Exactly. That's when I first decided to learn it. I thought it would... counteract other magic I had. That I didn't want to have.' Though he doesn't mention it, one hand reaches instinctively for something around his neck. A shimmer of silver I never noticed before. 

'Is... that to do with it?'

Scar sees me looking, eyes widening. Then relaxes. The shimmer appears again, this time remaining. A simple necklace sits around his neck. 

'It keeps me alive.' The atmosphere instantly changes to one of seriousness. 'And will also kill me.' I frown. He continues talking. 'It's linked to my ability to respawn. When I wear it, I'll always respawn, even in a permadeath world. When I don't...'

'Permadeath.' I manage to finish the sentence for him. Scar nods. 'Why? Who...'

'It's complicated.' His hands fall back to his sides, and he continues walking. I jog along next to him. 

'Scar... wait, does that mean you're safe from the watchers?'

'Safer. I don't know how much it works against watchers... whether my magic or their magic is more powerful. (Had an entire war discussing this. Still haven't figured it out) But... I guess that's how it goes sometimes.' 

'Scar, you're not giving up this quickly.' 

'You can't really... stop it. You can't stop any of this.' An unexpectedly bitter tone enters Scar's voice. 'We're not going to survive. Sooner or later the Watchers will come and they'll kill Doc, and Joe, and they've probably already killed Cub and then they'll try and kill me to get to you and... and... and...'

'SCAR! Shut up with the bad thoughts!' I snap back. 'We're going to be fine.' I don't believe that. I don't believe it one bit. But maybe Scar will feel better if I pretend to 'You know what we're going to do?'


'We're going to go to the Watcher Lands, demand they give us back our friends, and kill them all. As many as we can, and then we escape, and survive and bring back Hermitcraft.' 

'I'm sorry. It's just...'


'It's just that everything's been happening recently, and I've been trying to stay cheerful for you... so you don't worry. But... but...' 

'Scar, you don't have to lie about your own problems to make me feel better. I care about you. A lot. So... I'm worried anyway. If anything's bothering you, just tell me.'

'I watched them take him.' We both know who he's talking about. 'And I couldn't help because I was just so scared, and... I can't stop thinking about him.'

Even before he starts crying, I hug Scar. He hugs back as we just stand there, in the middle of the unfinished nether tunnel, alone. 

'We can make this alright.'


'By...' I step away. 'I don't know, but we can start by going to the Watcher Lands. All of us. Me, you, Doc and Joe. We gather enough supplies and weapons, before going and saving our friends. Everything will be fine, Scar.'

'I don't believe you.' He admits.

'I don't really believe me either, but it's better than giving up.'

He laughs. 

'I suppose so... thanks, Grian.'

'No problem. The last thing I want is for you to be upset.' 

'The LAST thing you want? Even over Watcher attacks and missing friends?' 

It's my time to laugh. And then I can't stop laughing. And for the first time in ages I don't feel scared, or upset, or angry. I look over at Scar. 

'Obviously.' I reply sarcastically. 'Come on, let's return to our base. This has been useless.'

But before we can, I catch a glimpse of something beyond the crumbling netherrack, on a ledge above the lava. In fact, it's two somethings. 



'There are others over there!' I point them out. Scar doesn't notice them immediately, his gasp showing me exactly when he does. 

'Should we go over and meet them?' 

I'm too busy waving ecstatically to reply. The people are waving back. 

'Do you have a spyglass?' I ask.

'Aren't you the one who's supposed to have a spyglass? And go AHA!' And then I'm laughing again, as Scar pulls out a spyglass, zooming in on my face. I snatch it from his hands. 

'This isn't Last Life, Scar. Or Double Life.' I add as he finds a goat horn, blowing it loudly. Far in the distance, there's a reply. 

'We'll get to them later. For now we should go back to the others. We've got some friends to rescue.'

More Desert Duo! 

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