Ch 28: Scar

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Its a while until Grian's yells die down. I stand with the watcher leader for a moment longer, silent.

'Well.' I don't look over 'I guess Xelqua's friends care even more than he does.' It's clear I'm not supposed to hear, but I eavesdrop anyway, until the voice cuts into my mind instead.

Follow me

The paths all look the same as I'm led out. Up, left, another left, along a long hallway and then through closed double doors, opened by what appears to be magic, into the largest room I've been in yet.

Despite it's creators, I'm in awe. A purple carpet leads down past huge pillars, symbols cut into the end stone ground. Everything is made of cobble, bedrock and obsidian, purple glass. End crystals float on small pillars, fountains, and four thrones sit at the centre of it all.

Each is clearly designed for a different leader... One's simple, surrounded by floating versions of the eye symbol, one - clearly meant for the Watcher behind me - made from wings - one made from all kind of cursed and modded items, glitching between them, and the simplest throne of all with a halo floating above, on which another watcher sits, silently curious.

'GoodTimesWithScar? The vex friend?'

'He gave himself up to save everyone. I did not want to complain...'

'But he can still be useful to us, I believe.'

'Omnis Amantes?' My wizard magic teachings help me translate the galactic, and then Latin. All loving. It's hard to hide my confusion. That isn't one of the watcher leaders, even though it follows the same pattern.

'Perhaps. He might even prove a better candidate than Xelqua was. His other magic could prove a help or a hindrance I'm sure you can help us overcome.'

'Where should I take him?'

'Turris omnium amantium custos.'

'The tower of the all-loving watcher' Is the best I can translate. I don't have time to think about what it is before I'm led out the room through a door behind where the other watcher stands. I don't talk, or act like I've understood anything. They don't need to know I speak galactic, trying to comprehend what they've said as I start up a long spiralling staircase higher and higher with no doors leading off, until it levels into a room that definitely wasn't there before. I accept it's some watcher trick, looking around. The watcher doesn't step off the stairs.

Food and clothes will be provided. You will stay here unless instructed otherwise.

I nod back. The watcher walks away again, and the stairs close up behind them, trapping me here.

It's a circular room, large enough, with windows covered in more purple glass around half of it. In the other half is a bed, the blankets and pillows a mess. Chests lie around, books and clothes on the floor in blacks and golds and purples. Tiredness fills me. I don't have time to question why this room is unsorted, or who lived in it before me, as I lie down on the bed and fall asleep.

The next few weeks pass without problem. I only see the Omnes Potentes - the leader of the all-powerful watchers with infinite wings - who brings me food and a set of watcher clothes similar to the ones I gather up from whoever was here before. I look around at the books to see if they give any clues or entertainment, stare out at the vast watcher building from the window... The worst things I get are the constant dreams of my past. Moments where Grian or Cub or anyone pranked me that seemed a lot funnier at the time. But overall it isn't the worst place I've been in.

And then they come back.

I'm already watching out the window when I see the distant figures, beyond the entrance. Even from here I can recognise a couple of them as they stare at the tower. At me.

Cub and Grian. They came back.

I wait. They disappear from view not too long later I catch sight of Grian and what seems to be Jimmy, Tango and Pearl before they separate. Grian enters the main building.

He's coming to free me.

I wait, trying to find my old clothes as I do. The staircase was long... Maybe he's just finding his way up it. Or he can't find the secret entrance... Yeah, that's what it must be. I sit on the end of the bed, watching for the floor to open up and reveal Grian, sword in hand and a huge smile on his face, before he tells me to run and I'm free, I can prank people and laugh with Cub, I can shoot everyone as Hotguy... I can catch up with anyone else they found...

The secret entrance opens. I jump to my feet before...

It's the Omnes Potentes. I frown.

I'm sorry, Scar. They're going again.

'What?' Is all I say back

They found Scott and left.

'But they...they saw me. Grian wouldn't abandon me again...' It must be a trick... But why else hasn't Grian come for me? He saw me... He came into the main building to free me...

You can still see them outside

I run back to the window, and my heart drops. I watch as Grian turns back, looking up at me again.

I think he's saying goodbye

'No... No! Grian! Cub! Anyone? Can you hear me? I'm here! I'm right here!' But my futile yells turn to sobs and I stare out, vision blurred, as they return to their world. The watcher puts a comforting hand on my shoulder.

I'm sorry

'There must be a reason...'

This is how Xelqua always acted, Scar. He willingly left Evo and didn't look back. He would've abandoned you a million times in Third life or Double Life if he wasn't under your debt. I wish you didn't have to find out this way.

Footsteps away. The floor closes up again and I'm left, watching, as the words run through my mind again.

The next few days pass even slower. The Omnes Potentes visits me, face full of apology, before telling me the worst news yet.

We have received information from Xelqua.

'He's coming back?'

No. He's given up on you.

I don't reply.

I'm not lying. He said it was too dangerous, and you weren't worth it.


I sit down, as though in a trance.

'Cub. What about Cub? He's not abandoning me too... Surely. He'd never... He cares.'

For the first time in my life I don't know if I'm telling the truth.

He disappeared, and cried, yes. But... He agrees with Xelqua.

I blink, wiping away the tears.

They have gone to the Season 8 world. Would you like to ask them yourself?'

I nod, standing and following. This time I don't even try to track the route, but we end up in another tower with portals in it.

With a shaky breath, I step through to speak to my 'best friends' again.

They're there, and they talk, as the Omnes Potentes tells me he's lying. Warns me about trusting him. Facts and memories become blurred.

I don't know who to trust.

The watchers, who kept me safe, and fed, or the friends who trapped me there in the first place.

And slowly a new emotion rises, fuelled by the Omnes Potentes and the lies and the uncertainty until I can't fight it any more.

I want to kill Grian.

Poor Scar...


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