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I stare at Bdubs as he finishes explaining. He's holding back tears, blinking, and I step back.

'Oh my goodness...'

'I tried to run after that and...' He holds his shoulder, before slowly slipping off his robes to show us the deep cut through the mostly brown red moss coat. 'Barely got into the base... then I had to hide. No one bothered me... convinced some of the newer ones to steal another watcher's stuff so I could pretend to be one. Then I just waited on the door for ages until you came.' A dull seriousness has entered Bdubs's voice. 

'They killed Etho...' Cub murmurs. 'Oh my goodness.' 

'I don't know where to go to rescue the prisoners as well... I'm guessing you're here to do the same but...'

'We... did before and... Scar sacrificed himself so we could run and now we've come back for him.'

'They took Scar?!' I nod.

'And Scott.' Jimmy adds. 'He disappeared from Empires and... I assumed...'

'I'm going to get back Scar.

'Then you go with Cub, Ren, Doc and Martyn. Jimmy, Tango and Pearl are going to find Scott.'

'Is this... everyone alive?' Bdubs realises, covering his injured shoulder again. 

'There are more at home. Don't worry.'

'And... what are you doing?'

'Getting us more time.' I reply, hoping he doesn't ask questions. 'Lets go. We need to get away before someone finds us here.'

'Exactly... good luck everyone.' He accepts, and we split ways - Scar's group continue along the pathway while me, Jimmy, Pearl and Tango cut across the courtyard... Jimmy practice his hand positions for the spell a couple more times. Pearl's muttering directions to herself. Tango doesn't speak, and I don't either.

'Good luck.' I give a nod as we part ways at the central path, turning and entering the main building, taking a deep breath and knocking on the doors of the central hall.

They open and I enter.

Grian Xelqua. I look up at the one watcher there as I stride towards them, shaking off their whispered voice in my mind. The watcher I knew best.

The leader of the All-protecting watchers.

Here to rescue your friends... How sweet...

'I'm here for Scott Smajor and GoodTimesWithScar, and nothing you say or do will stop me.' I reply in fluent Galactic

'Why?'  They too speak galactic.'Do you know what he is?'

'My best friend.'

A pause. My heart is still racing, stomach twisting as I remember all the times I would've entered here before.

'Do you remember your studies on Vexlings?'

Everything fits together so well I feel like I must've known or been told before. It's obvious that Scar's a vexling. ConVEX. The VEX wings on the necklace and scarred across his back.

'Your... friend... is a lying, malicious, chaotic murderer. An arsonist... a demon... a freak with unnatural powers... You have fallen far, Xelqua.'

'But not as far as you.'

The watcher pauses, and then laughs.

'Someone else has seen them.' I pause at the topic shift

'What do you mean?'

'You'll find out.'

I try to hide my rising fear as I assume the worst... I've led my friends to death... or worse. It's all my fault. But... maybe the watcher was bluffing? Neither of us speak. I know the Watcher leader well enough to know they'll just let my panic grow until...

A door to the right opens. I look over, eyes widening as the leader of the all-creating watchers enters, dragging with them Scott and Tango, both knowing better than to struggle. And right behind, Jimmy and Pearl follow. It only takes a second for me to realise what's going on.

'Soulbound.' I mutter. The watcher smiles

'You were always a smart, Amantes.' The nickname cuts deeper than 'Xelqua' 'You should've known I would use that wonderful game of yours against you when the opportunity so perfectly arises'

'Grian- what's your plan?' Jimmy dares to speak, hiding the clear terror in his voice. My mind flashes through the options I have left. The moment one of us moves or makes any moves, the All-creating watcher can kill everyone except me. Our only hope is if Scar's group find him and one of them discovers us here...

You do realise they're looking in the wrong place. And moments from getting found.

My stomach sinks further. We've failed. Utterly failed. And there's nothing we can do.

'Poor little group of freaks... caught right where they'll get trapped. How nice of you to send them to such a convenient place to get taken.'

'I'm sorry.' Is all I say. 'we've lost.' 

No one speaks. I don't dare look at the others. The friends I failed again.

'Then I'll fight you.' 

'Jimmy, don't.' My eyes widen.

'I'll fight you and you have to let everyone go.'

'Why would I fight you?' The all protecting watcher's gaze turns to Jimmy. 'I don't gain anything.'

'You get entertainment.' Pearl tries to hold him back as he walks in front of me, staring unflinching at the watcher. 

'Jimmy, I swear to notch...' Scott warns. Tango isn't speaking. 

'Unless of course you're too scared...'

The watcher hisses, bristling.

'I must summon the others for this most momentous fight, if that's what you want to do, little sheriff.'

A pause. A moment later the other two watcher leaders appear in bursts of smoke. All powerful and All seeing. I don't look at the latter with their skin covered in eyes, real eyes gauged out and bleeding dark purple. Some psychic explanation makes them laugh. 

'So. Pick your weapon, sheriff.'

'Magic.' He replies. The watchers silence.


But he can't have any other weapons on him, and even if he did they'd do nothing against the other watchers... Pearl pulls me aside as the All-protecting Watcher glides to where Jimmy stands. A psychic countdown and then...

Without a word, Jimmy's dragged into the air with magic, eyes blinking as I realise he must be trapped without senses. A look of pain crosses his face. A sudden hand on my shoulder. I look for a second to see Tango already close to collapse. 


'I'm not a toy.' Jimmy mumbles. 'I'm not a toy...' his eyes are properly shut now, squeezed closed, concentrating. 

'No.' The sudden English from the watcher sends a shiver down my back. 'You are a sad, strange little man. And you have my pity.' 

'NO!' Jimmy screams, and a bolt of purple light hits the watcher before he's sent flying by the impact. I run as he lands. 

'JIMMY NO!' He isn't moving as I fall to his side. 'Jimmy... please...' His eyes open a crack, as a dribble of blood leaves his mouth as it twitches into a smile. 'Please...' I sob. I hold his hand.

'Tell...' He forces out the words as I start to cry. 'Tell Joel he's... he's... tall... and... handsome... and...' He coughs blood. 'And... sexy... and...'

'You're the strongest, bravest, kindest, most loyal man I've ever met.' 

He smiles. Joy shines in his eyes as he looks up at me. 

'There will never be another person as good as you.'

It's the last thing he hears before he falls still.


(I'm literally about to cry-)

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