Ch 13: Tango

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Me, Impulse and Zedaph were together when the Watchers arrived. Well, I think the terrifying purple winged demonificators matched Grian's description of the Watchers. And there was only one thing I could do when the peace talks turned bad. 

'RUN!' I scream, practically dragging Impulse out the way of a ball of purple fire that would killed him. 

'WHAT DO YOU THINK I'M DOING?!' Retorts Zedaph, already ahead of me and Impy, who's too shell-shocked to move.


Finally, he breaks into a run and I'm left as the slowest of all of us, trying to find somewhere we can hide... We duck behind a base as the idea finally comes.

'We need to get to the nether.'


'The watchers won't look there. They'll be too busy with destroying the overworld.' Another explosion right next to us, dangerously close.

'Where's the nearest portal?'

'Scar's...' I look over, seeing it engulfed in flames and definitely not our best option. 

'Shopping district.' Decides Zedaph instead. 'Pearl made a portal.'

The idea comes just in time as we're blown back by the force of another explosion. Ducking to avoid shrapnel, I hit the ground, legs grazed. 

Xisuma: meet @ shopping district.

Xisuma: abandon server

'Let's go.' Impulse helps me to my feet and I fumble for rockets before Zed passes some to me. We're in the air in moments, flying away from the terror and destruction of what we all thought was safety... down towards the portal, seeing Xisuma and xB nearby. 

A watcher flies past as we land, and I think we're going to get there in time before...

'ZEDAPH NO!' I turn sharply at Impulse's yell. The Watcher is still there, grinning as he lets the dead body of Zedaph fall to the ground.

'We need to go now.' I reply. 'Right now.' Impulse doesn't listen and I grab his hand. 'Impulse come on.'

'They- they... Zedaph...'

'I know. And if we don't move, they'll kill us too.'

'They- NO!' Before he gets killed, I drag Impulse backwards, into the portal, and quickly close it behind us. 


Impulse just stands there, blinking, staring at the closed nether portal. There's no way back, unless one or both of us have a flint and steel. Even then, I don't know whether the watchers will still be there, if it will ever be safe to go back.

Will we ever see the other hermits again?

I look over as Impulse starts sobbing and step closer, pulling him into a hug as I pretend I'm not about to cry too. 

'He's dead.'

'I know.'

'We're stuck here.'

'I know.'

'They- the Watchers- they're going to destroy everything.'

'I- I...' Anything trying to keep me happy gives up and I start crying too as me and Impulse just stand there, hugging, in the nether hiding from the Watchers are destroying the overworld but... can they get through the portals?

'We need to move. In case the Watchers come through a portal.' I decide

'You think they'd come through one of the portals?' Impulse pushes out of the hug, staring up at me with wide eyes. 

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