Ch 16: Pearl

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I've had genuinely no ideas or inspiration for this chapter for ages and still don't now.

Evo, then Empires Season 1, then Hermitcraft season 8 and now the Season 9 world.

To be honest, by this point I'm more bored of worlds I'm in being destroyed than scared. 

And ending up back in the Empires Season 1 world with Gem really put the cherry on the cake. 

'Oh we're here.' Is all I say, remembering my last experience of being here at spawn... The news that The Lost Empire was destroyed, Jimmy appearing saying Fwhip was dead, and then Fwhip turning up... before we ran off to check on our empires and I ended up dying in Sausage's arms. 

'What... just happened?' Is Gem's answer.

'We're in... Empires.'

'Yeah but... those things destroyed hermitcraft...'

'Watchers.' I correct. 'They're Watchers.'

'And now we're in Empires.'


'How do you know about the watchers?'

'Old world with Grian. Evo... we should try to find shelter, somewhere to stay...' 

'How do we get back?'

'We don't.' The truth sets in as I say it. 'The Watchers will kill us.'

'They might not.'

'They will. Come on, let's go.'


My facade of confidence disappears as I struggle for an answer.

'I don't know.' I eventually admit. 'I don't know where to go, or what to do.'

'Sausage's base only had blood sheep... And some of the bases might not be destroyed too much... I can't remember...'

'We can either make a new base or rebuild the current ones.' I decide.

'Or find a way into another world... how did you get to this one?'

'Watcher powers.'

'You were one of them.' statement, not question.

'I didn't want to be. They'd kept me trapped since Evo. And then got to be let out when they lost hope of Grian coming back... And then I escaped and... I think this is my fault.' I admit, sitting down.

'Pearl, this isn't your fault. It's the Watcher's.'

'I know... But they only started to attack us when I got into the server. First the moon and now this...' I start walking away, unable to take Gem's constant kindness a moment longer. 'I'm going to find some resources. Alone. Meet you back here at nightfall.'

I gather wood and kill mobs for food the rest of the day. Then we meet up, and decide to move towards the actual empires to scavenge for more and settle down... We pass the crater where the Grimlands used to be and a jolt of emotion passes through me. I never saw it before. Gem slowly takes my hand.

'This is worse than I remembered.'

'Even after what happened?'

She nods.

'Fwhip just appeared, terrified and bleeding and there was nothing I could do to help him... I'd never seen him so scared.'

We stare at the crater for a moment longer, before we have to walk away. Gem takes the lead, deciding we should go to Crystal Cliffs, her old base. The journey isn't too long, and once there we quickly start fixing the damage. Neither of us mention Hermitcraft, and as the days stretch on it's like we've forgotten, except the moments when it all comes back at once.

SolidarityGaming joined the game

'Jimmy?' Gem looks over from repairing the roof of one of the buildings. 'What's Jimmy doing here?'

Pearlescentmoon: Jimmy?

SolidarityGaming: HAVE YOU SEEN SCOOT?

Geminitay: Scott? 

SolidarityGaming: YEAH SCHOT. HWERE IS HE?

SolidarityGaming: *SCOTT *WHERE


Geminitay: crisis on Hermitcraft. Come to crystal cliffs

'What's going on with Scott?' I ask. Gem shrugs back.

'We can talk more once he gets here. He seems really worried though.' It doesn't take long for him to arrive, running, eyes wide and completely exhausted. He's in a sheriff outfit, probably from Empires S2. 


'Gem! Pearl! Help!' He bursts out, breaking into a final sprint, basically collapsing in my arms as I run to greet him. 

'Jimmy, are you alright?' Gem runs to join us. I think he's crying until he breaks out of my grip.

'Do you know where Scott is?'


'Because he just disappeared from Empires and no one knows where he is and I've been trying to find him and... and I thought he might be here because... because... I don't know. Because you ended up here and...'

'Jimmy, Jimmy calm down.' I plead. 'We don't know where Scott is. We haven't see him in this world at all.' 

'Why are you here?' 

Me and Gem look at each other, then back at Jimmy. 

'The Watchers destroyed Hermitcraft.' I say.


'Do you know who the Watchers are?'

'Yeah, yeah. I was on Evo with Grian and... oh my goodness... you're joking, right?' I shake my head. I think Gem does as well. 

'You can stay here with us if you want.' She offers. 'We've decided to stay here until... we want to move on.' 

'I need to find Scott.' He replies. 'I need to find him... do you think the Watchers got him?' 

'We don't know.'

'Ok... ok... I should probably... go...' he steps away without another word, before turning and walking off. Me and Gem look over at each other again as he disappears out of sight. 

'Why would the Watchers take Scott?' 

'I don't know... I hope Jimmy finds him.'


So me and Gem continue working, now even more worried, until another lot of messages come into chat.

Grian joined the game

Cubfan135 joined the game

Tango joined the game

Rentheking joined the game

Inthelittlewood joined the game



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